Tuesday, 18 December 2012


This blog posted immediately prior to the winter solstice 2012.
In this blog will be highlighted several areas of human reality that are apparent to me. First I was stimulated by a recent Youtube piece concerning the theory of the Holographic Universe by its author Michael Talbot. The theory states the idea that all of reality is contained within each part. In an additional element to the talk the author proposed the idea that all reality is a projection from within the human consciousness. Thus in a sea of vibrations three-dimensional reality is projected on to those vibrations by human awareness as a result of mass agreements.

These mass agreements are now breaking down according to my insights and the perspectives of other mystics. So we have the idea of a change of reality. In essence what we do have is a change, a development of consciousness. This development is occurring across all levels of three-dimensional existence. The human, animal, vegetable, mineral and non-physical being mass consciousnesses are all changing in concert with each other. So the total mass consciousness is a combination of all the others combined. They interact and interpenetrate each other.

We project this mass consciousness development by attaching three-dimensional constructs to it as causes.
‘Oh, It’s the end of the Maya calendar,’ we say.
We are entering a higher vibrational area of the universe,’ we add.
Some of us will say ‘The Aliens or a religious deity will come down to save us from the end of the world.’

No-one, religious or Alien, will be dropping down to Earth to waft us away before the final destruction of planet Earth in my view. The beings of Earth are going no-where other that remaining in their developing mass consciousness. The physical appearance of the Earth is part of the mass consciousness. It is apparent to me that the Earth consciousness is an awareness in its own right and part of this whole.

So what is occurring is simply a change, a development. How that will manifest we will have to wait and see at this objective consciousness level.

 Second part.

The Tibetan and other spiritual ancient spiritual traditions propose the idea of a higher self or consciousness. This higher self releases a number of aspects of itself into dimensional existence and awareness for the purpose of development. These aspects may be human in form or not. Into this system is built a feedback system so that all aspects or forms can learn from each other if sensitively attuned.

This learning can be developed through insights and meditative techniques. In some cases the feedback thus generated will empower the aspiring being with powerful learning opportunities. It may be that this learning occurs spontaneously.

 wrote the following in our first book ‘So You Think We’re Alone’. The book was written in the third person through the eyes of the co-writer and friend Peter Haines.

Birch mused, one day in meditation, on the reality physically of other beings in ’his’ family. Instantly, on the screen of consciousness, two images appeared. One was the head of a lizard-like being, almost crocodile headed. As it turned to look in his direction he saw that this being had incredibly intelligent eyes. The vision quickly faded to be replaced by another one. This was of a group being which looked like a clump of tulip flowers, but each individual head possessed an eye in the centre of the tulip shaped head. Each eye, Birch felt, possessed its own intelligence but was also part of a group intelligence. Perhaps this group intelligence worked similarly to the way that birds do  when they are wheeling very fast together, Birch mused. This vision also quickly faded leaving Birch again to attempt to make sense of the baffling images.

The concept of doubles is possibly related to this aspect of reality. In a previous blog I highlighted these strange phenomena. More commonly than generally realised people meet or see at a distance an exact copy, a replica, of themselves; even down to the clothes being worn.

The following information was downloaded to my awareness in the middle of the night.

At the Solstice many people will change timelines, either permanently or for a short period. (Timelines are different levels of awareness functioning simultaneously with the current reality. Some may call them dimensions. Scientists now theorise that different dimensions exist.)

Humans move back and forth between timelines regularly but may not be aware that they are doing so. However humans exist in a primary timeline where most of our consciousness resides. If this were not the case humanity could not cope with the kaleidoscope of impressions that would impinge on consciousness from different timelines.

In spite of this likely move to a different primary timeline family units will maintain in the same reality given the karmic connections that were decided on before birth. If the karmic responsibilities have been completed at the solstice then connections will be rapidly terminated.

It may be puzzling that new people suddenly arrive in your lives or old friends and contacts suddenly depart. This is what happens at an energy change which this solstice signals.

Old illnesses and perspectives will drop away to be replaced by new opportunities. It is possible to navigate these changes with humour and resilience.

Have fun and enjoy the coming ride!

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