Wednesday, 23 January 2013


In recent times an obsession with the presence of Alien beings i.e. those humanoid structured beings similar to humans has been fuelled by the alleged presence of UFO craft in the skies above us.

Many people have reported interactions with such beings. Some have reported conversations, some informed of instructions concerning future events. Some even have reported being abducted.and experimented upon. Thus has arisen the perspective, in human awareness, that such beings are separate from the human population of Earth.

My contention is that there is no such separation. In my perspective we are all Aliens. We are linked to and are children of the stars and the being that come from them in one vital component; our DNA. We did not arise from a Darwinian survival of the fittest scenario. We are the product of beings that created us. Why do I make this statement?

For those that have read my previous blogs you will recall that I discussed my first incarnation on Earth. I became aware of being a soul in the body of a cro-magnon man through my intuitive contact. This was my first incarnation as a physical human. Before that my awareness is of being an energy form in another region of consciousness. My perspective is that I volunteered to enter human incarnation. This, for hundreds of incarnations, has been a challenging and powerful learning experience in three-dimensional earth existence.

 I am certainly not the only one that has trod this path into human incarnation. I have had contact with and support from two Indian sages Paramahansa Yogananda and his teacher Sri Yukteswar, both of whom are not currently in incarnation.  I believe that their soul source is/was the same as mine. Of course they are on a higher spiral of consciousness than me. I am sure that many, many others have entered human incarnation through this mode.  

So this is the voluntary entry into humanity from alien source. Some time ago I had the psychic and physical experience of having my Aura, the energy field around the body, sliced through and one third of the human element being removed. The next day this was replaced by part of my alien energy field. Who did this I have no idea. Perhaps this phenomenon was waiting to happen when my conscious awareness reached a certain point in development. I await further information concerning this.

Another theory is that early man arose on planet Earth and was subsequently experimented on by Alien intelligences in order to develop consciousness to the current Homo Sapiens level. This was done through the manipulation of DNA. If you like this was a ‘human zoo’ experiment. I hope that it was backed up with compassion and love. One could call this a second interaction between Alien and human life forms.

In a recent FORBIDDEN TV youtube piece there was an alleged example of a male abductee having sexual relations with an Alien female in order to create an Alien/human hybrid. The abductee was subsequently shown the offspring of the union.

On stelae of the Egyptian Pharaoh Akhnaton he is shown with green skin wheras those around him have the normal pink skin. He and his wife Nefertiti are also shown with distended skulls hidden by appropriately shaped hats. It is alleged that skulls shaped thus have been dug up but the information suppressed by those that would rule us or those in conventional archaeology threatened by such. So was Akhnaton and his consort Aliens from another realm? One proposition is that was indeed the case.

Many stories abound among different cultures concerning the central theme that Aliens have entered Earth in order to teach and to lead humanity into advanced forms of communication, consciousness and societal patterns. There are the stories/myths concerning Enki and Enlil originating from Mesopatamian sources. There is also the story of Quetzalcoatl from Central America. Both are examples of such a theory.

A number of civilisations have suddenly appeared with no identifiable development over historical time. Examples include The Egyptian Pyramids which have stood the test of time despite later vandalism. Subsequent pyramids in the region have collapsed. Apparently they did not have the structural formats created by the, let us call them, pre-humans. The Mesopatamian civilisation arose with no identifiable preliminaries. So, were these civilisations created by Alien visitors or is there some other explanation?

A subsequent theory is that Aliens, not born on this planet are walking among us. Some are so like us that they can pass for earth humans. Others who are not similar to us possess the technology that allows them to be masked by presenting the image of a simulated human. The question could be asked, why are they here? One source claims that the detonating of the atom bomb in 1945 alerted Aliens to the sudden self-destructive ability of the human race. Many are here to protect their own interest. These beings are not here negatively or positively but are neutral to the human condition.

Others from outside Earth are not here for positive reasons. It is alleged that the negative Aliens have established under sea and under Earth bases to further their own interests. In addition it is claimed by whistleblowers that successive governments in the West and East have connived, negotiated deals and received technological secrets from these negative Aliens. These agreements have not been in the best interests of the ordinary citizens. One of the horrendous features of the agreements has been the allowing of these negative beings to seize people in order to kill, eat and conduct bizarre experiments. If the alleged stories are only partly true it is no surprise that those in authority wish to keep knowledge of Aliens, their craft and presence on earth a secret.

A Russian film ‘Men in Black’ (not the US film) was recently aired on the Internet FORBIDDEN KNOWLEDGE TV. In the film an Alien contactee claimed that the purpose of Aliens with whom he was in contact with was three-fold.

1.     To control the development of the planet (whatever that means).
2.     Stop humans causing destruction of the Earth.
3.     Protect the earth from extraneous threats such as asteroids, harmful cosmic emissions.

If there is any truth in the above points then these Aliens must be regarded as friendly to humans and the environment, I would suggest.

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