Thursday, 4 October 2012



As the energies heighten in this quadrant of the universe and the much anticipated winter equinox 2012 approaches there are developing issues for humans.

Foe those of a spiritual and psychic disposition the issue of our antecedents and our human makeup are questioned. It seems to me that those that made us created beings that are of a particular genetic hue which, increasingly, have the ability to develop beyond the three dimensional form that we inhabit.

I have written before of my pre-human form as purely energetic co-operating with other similar beings. I have also written of my memory of first incarnation in a Cro-Magnon physical body. No doubt I volunteered to enter three-dimensional existence although I have no memory of such a momentous decision. I don’t have to remind the readers of the difficulties and challenges we experience in this reality. If one knew before hand of those issues one would face in the third dimension I wonder if we, as soul consciousnesses, would agree to enter psycho society.

However let’s not be negative for, as many say, we are about to enter a more peaceful and agreeable age after December 21st, This, of course, remains to be seen. Much of the future is down to us to create. No-one is coming to rescue errant humanity in my view. No saviour will incarnate. No Alien presence will remove our problems. These issues and problems still be here after the anticipated energy shift. We must deal with them.

OK, enough preamble; let us examine some aspects of our humanity. We all have a reptilian brain encased in other elements. In my perspective those that made us started with this early brain and then built other aspects around it thus creating a potential consciousness that we have named hu-man.

The man already existed in early form as Cro-Magnon, Austalopithecus and other early experiments. The hu element was built in to exemplify those traits of societal organisation, compassion, intellectual attainment and development potential. From there on in the plan was that it was down to us.

What the planners did not anticipate was manipulation and control by outside forces which stripped the developing human consciousness of much self will and determination. Some mystics place this manipulation in the hands of off-planet forces that came here to rob and pillage humanity as well as the beautiful Earth.

One Toltec mystic called these interfering beings, the Allies. Although one could question quite how they were or are allied to us. Some reporters say that these parasitic beings are Reptilians and Alien in nature.

It is also alleged that these enemies of humanity have now been removed by those that are our Alien friends. There is no hard evidence to back up this supposition. I write the above as background to that which I now pursue.

One aspect of my marriage to my dear wife has always puzzled me. Here I am a mystic and student of the spiritual life married to a person who has little interest in the subject. It struck me this morning, as I prepared to write this piece that there is, indeed, a good reason for this partnership from a spiritual perspective. Being married to someone who is well grounded and living totally in the material and mental worlds has assisted me in staying grounded also. It has helped me to fullfill my role as a bridge between the material and spiritual worlds. Without that grounding I could not have done the work of the spirit very well. It is a requirement of the human to be in this world even if, as the Master Jesus is alleged to have said, it is best not to be part of it.

Alternative my personal Alien awareness has frequently impinged on this rational mind and human consciousness. Until now it has been necessary to keep it in the background.

A wonderful friend well versed in the spiritual life similarly has a partner less than interested in the deeper aspects of the inner world. Perhaps, in her case, this relationship has assisted her in developing her great social network and context with which she lives her spiritual life. In this way her intense fairy self has been kept in the background working subtly.

A mutual contact, a healer and psychic of great ability has not developed this enhanced social context which is now and will be greatly needed as the world rapidly changes. For I see a role as a communicator explaining changes in reality that are rapidly coming. When I meet with this healer I see an Alien presence struggling inside a human body.

I intend to write more concerning the human condition in Part 2.

I would greatly appreciate feedback.

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