Thursday, 10 October 2013


ENTERING AND LEAVING THIS PLANET A recent youtube piece by Bashar, channelled by Darryl Anka, concerning his civilisations knowledge of the reincarnation principal guided me to consider my view of Earthly life. I have written before concerning personal perspectives on humans ‘pre-entry’ to this planet. I believe that we, before birth and with the promptings of our higher self, plan our incarnation. That is we plan to learn a particular set of lessons for our spiritual and soul unfoldment. Once incarnated we forget the plan because we have entered a free will universe and are thus able to abide by the plan or not. Nevertheless those situations , people and circumstances that are necessary for our growth according to the pre-birth plan will be presented to us. We then accept or reject the aspects of the plan by thought word and deed.
Part of the plan according to Pleiadian channel Barbara Marciniak is the setting up in the planned incarnation of a number of potential exit points for us to leave and return to source. We then choose one of those exit points guided by the higher self. At the level of the objective consciousness, the little will, we may not be aware of the reason for leaving incarnation. Indeed we may not welcome our departure at this conscious level. I believe that this is one reason for the prevalence of Dementia in this culture. The higher in such an illness will decide it is time to leave wheras the objective consciousness tries to hang on to the last vestiges of life thus creating an entrapment between two worlds. Firstly the decision to leave will be taken, perhaps, because we have veered away from the plan. Secondly perhaps we have completed the planned development experience. There is a third option which I believe is my recent experience. We may finish the plan but we do not leave incarnation immediately. Our higher self may wish for us to continue for an extended time in incarnation in order to complete other tasks that we are fitted for. These tasks would be for our continued growth and support of others.
Another aspect of Bashar’s views on incarnation struck a chord with me. His civilisation says that each individual human occupies their own unique timeline or dimension. (I have written in my previous blog concerning timelines). I find this view empowering. For, thusly, this confirms my feeling that we are powerful beings responsible for all that happens to us in incarnation.
Many people, powers, oganisations, religions seek to control and disempower us. It is in our own hands to retain self-belief as we move from homo sapiens towards homo galactica. So, from pre-birth, through incarnation and towards post-birth we are in control of the whole scenario. We do not owe allegiance to those that set themselves up to be our controllers. We are in charge of ourselves. Be happy.

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