Saturday, 4 May 2013


This recent quote impressed me. I cannot recall its source.
(Our reality is) a time space hologram within which are multiple timelines manufactured by higher intelligence.

This quote caused me to re-think and revue my experiences of alternative timelines and time phases.

I wrote the following after returning from a visit to the Greek island of Kos.

Spiritual duties complete and family members duly rested we returned to England. Upon our return several days later I was feeling ‘out of time’ and out of synchronicity with the energy of homeland. I put this down to the powerful energies of Kos and the Asklepion   I also sensed that this magical island of Kos was operating in a slightly different time frame to the one here in England. Those of a sensitive nature would be affected by it. Jaqueline and Coti both felt tired and ‘not in sync’ when they returned.

My puzzlement and continuing feeling of being in another time pushed me to ask for guidance concerning the reasons after five days with no change in my out of time sensations. This is what I received.

As the energy of the planet changes many physical locations will have their vibrations raised before others. This is particularly so in the region of energy portals and other high spiritual places. Kos is one of these places. I will give you more information concerning the effects of the’ tiling’(a particular form of spiritual walking) that you felt drawn to do at the Asklepion and other places for there are a number of effects. You already know that one purpose is to raise or re-activate the energies in certain locations. In addition ‘tiling’ has the effect of creating an energetic blocking process. In this way those high energy locations that have been hi-jacked for nefarious purposes by those of the dark persuasion are no longer available to them.

During a meditation some years ago I was presented with an alternative early lifetime that was different form the one that I had grown up in but was, nevertheless related to this incarnation.

In the meditation without pre-planning on my part I saw myself coming down the birth canal and into physical incarnation. I then saw myself growing up, as a young boy with a coloured school tie popular in my school days. I then perceived myself as a grown man working in a tropical environment. There the vision faded and I returned to normal awareness.

Having received such an unexpected visionary gift I meditated on the reason for it. I sensed that the timeline experience that I had been given fused with my current experience and was an alternative ‘growing up’ life. So, why was I given this alternative growing up?

My sense was that I was given the alternative as a means of leaving the normally lived growing up behind me with all the baggage that was generated by it. I was free to move on unencumbered by the past.

The following is from the Pleiadian channel Barbara Marciniak reproduced in the March 20 edition of the ‘Pleiadian Times’.

When we began our teachings with you in 1988, we stated that we came from the future and journeyed back in time to your era, to deal with a vast tyranny that blossomed out of the nanosecond years, a tyranny that reached us in the Pleiades, in a future from now. Within the basic framework of the multiverse segments of time can be viewed and experienced as simultaneous occurrances, however in physical reality time is perceived as linear, where one moment follows another, and the past seems as inaccessible and ambiguous as the future. This experience of linear time has generated many consequences, positive outcomes, as well as very detrimental liabilities. There are far more assets to be realised by gaining expanded vistas, and in a manner of speaking, we have jumped time to find the source of the problem and rectify it by helping to shape other more vital probabilities.

There is fascinating further examples of these phenomena in my previous blogs titled TIMESLIP PART 1 and TIMESLIP PART 2 uploaded in February 2011.

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