Monday, 17 January 2011


An interesting story concerns an insight Birch had of someone else’s past lives. It came out of the blue and surprised him because he didn’t feel connected to this work with other people normally. It is not his field.
The story starts on New Years Eve 2003. Wife Jaqueline was away visiting relatives in Mexico. He was invited to stay with friends in Milton Keynes over the New Year period. On the night of the New Year, his friends and he attended a party. There he met a larger-than-life character, who we will call Dan. He was a big man, muscular with shoulders that would not disgrace the front row of the England rugby squad. He had hands the size of plates and fingers that looked like pork sausages. Yet his size was in no way menacing, not least because of his sunny, extrovert personality. He boogied the night away, moving with great smoothness and balance that belied his size. He was great fun.

At the end of the party Birch and his friends staggered back home to recover from the night’s activities. As he lay in bed awaiting the arms of Morpheus, he suddenly had a vision of Dan in what he sensed was a past life. In this life he was a priest in ancient Egypt, very stern and forbidding in persona, unlike his present life. He had responsibility for conducting ceremonies that were to aid the fertility of the Earth and the bounty of good crops. Most certainly this would have been a very important function in an ancient society. Because of the perceived importance of this role, he had access to, and influence with, the highest of the aristocracy. He was very aware of the important role that he held, and he let every one know this by his words and actions. Not a man to be liked or crossed. Most people would avoid him unless forced to consult him concerning his priestly duties.

As he walked across the plazas to perform and supervise the rituals for which he was responsible, he spoke to no-one as he passed. He would wear his high crowned hat of office. Such was the expanded nature of his ego and sense of self importance. The children would make faces behind his back. One of his nicknames was ‘Mr Stiff Neck’, a name that would only be voiced out of his earshot. Time marched on. In his dotage he lay dying on the floor with a single attendant to care for his final needs. No other person bothered to pay him any attention.

Through his friend in Milton Keynes, Birch contacted Dan. He told him of his vision. He was very open to the idea and asked Birch for more information. Birch suggested that Dan send him a crystal or some other object that was his. It would have absorbed and be carrying his vibration. The crystal duly arrived and Birch went into meditation while holding it. What came to him were the fragments of two other lives.

In the first Dan was the chief of a small tribe of Africans. This tribe, and their lands, were threatened by a much larger tribe that surrounded them. Birch saw Dan sitting outside his hut, worried and troubled by the threat to him and his people. The inevitable happened. He saw spears and then darkness. This was the end of his insight into this life.

In the next life he saw Dan again as an African. He was captured by slave traders and shipped to Cuba as a slave. He was intelligent, young, and perceptive. His life however, was one of unremitting toil, as it was for most slaves. Nevertheless, in his unpleasant life the light of spiritual interest was lit in his breast.

In April 2004 Birch wrote to Dan, gave him all the insights that he’d received, and forgot about it quickly in the maelstrom of life. Dan never wrote back. At the end of the year, Birch returned to Milton Keynes for the New Year celebrations once again. As he sat with his friends, bringing each other up to date, he asked casually how Dan was. He was intrigued. His friend dropped a bombshell.
“He is dead. He died of cancer very suddenly, within weeks of diagnosis.”
Birch’s jaw dropped. He was staggered. The whole series of events between the two of them flooded back into memory. Over the next few hours and days, Birch struggled to make sense of this news in respect of the past life histories. Yet he felt he had been privileged to share in the dramatic insights, maybe particularly so at that time at the end of Dan’s life.

The conclusion Birch reached was that Dan needed to know this information before he passed over into the spirit world. The reason that it was Birch that was the messenger was perhaps to do with the need, from his perspective, to be impressed from outside his circle of family and friends. 
 “A prophet is without honour in his own country” seems an appropriate adage.

Birch had already discovered this to his cost, in the past. Or maybe it had something to do with Birch being the most sensitive to Dan’s psychic needs at the time. Whatever the reason, the whole situation had a very profound effect on him. He explains that if we make ourselves available for good works, or ill, then the cosmic and spiritual forces will use our talents and communication skills. However the impetus must come from us. We live in a free will universe.

Above we see a perspective from Birch’s point of view. To him it makes sense, in a crazy, material world, filled with heroism, strength, genius, intelligence, illness, suffering, and death. The above for him is the building block, GCSE, grade C, Reincarnation 101, the basis.

For those interested in exploring this fascinating field a little further, Birch offers more.
In this three dimensional material world, we see time as an ever flowing stream. One event follows another. The whole process is linear. One lifetime follows another. This linear process does not work in the spiritual realms, for time is a material construct. We use it to make sense of the reality in which we currently find ourselves. It gives us a frame of reference.

In the spiritual worlds, as time does not exist and events do not follow a linear path, our lifetimes exist and are all happening at the same time. Thus Birch’s life as  spear carrier, as master of ceremonies in 17th century Central Europe, as a Chinese mandarin at the court the emperor, are all being played out now; yes, right now. But what does that mean for the relationship of this current life with those that we perceive as being in the past. It means that each lifetime is equally as valid as all the others. In this equality of lifetimes, it gives us enormous power not only over our present life, but over all the other lifetimes, now, in this moment.

Being aware of other lifetimes is merely the first step to having an expanded view of our individual humanity. We are thus far larger in consciousness than our previous perceptions of ourselves. Of course we need to be prepared to move outside the ‘mental box’ to appreciate this expanded perception of self. In this mode of consciousness we are able to turn to other of our lifetimes, heal ourselves, heal the traumas that we experienced, heal the injustices, heal the pain that we are inflicting, and thereby move towards experiencing ourselves as balanced human beings; physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Not only are we greater than we imagine, we are greater than we can imagine.

We are indeed spiritual beings having human experiences. Birch is not keen on the model that places the soul somewhere in the region of the heart, and is only accessed from time to time. This creates the physical as superior, of greater importance than the spiritual, when the reverse is the case. His belief is of a physical body travelling in a spiritual one.

 We are bound to question his perspective along these lines. “This is all very fine and dandy, Birch. This may make perfect sense to you, but how can one work with these ideas if we have no perspective of these other lifetimes going on, and no access to a sensitive who can tell us.”

We can all work with the notion of timelines. The stream of consciousness that you are currently in is a timeline, your current life if you like. Your other lives are timelines. Every time you face a decision or make a choice, you are creating the next moment of the timeline that you are in. The other choices that you rejected are entry points for other timelines. If we don’t put our decision into any other particular choice, then that is an entry into a potential timeline that will disintegrate back into the cosmic melting pot. We have thus not put our consciousness into that potential timeline. It is moribund and will break down.

So if we accept this premise of timelines, then it is a model for changing our reality. We can, in meditation or quiet thinking time, create an alternative reality. Thoughts are things, so by creating such a thought pattern we create an alternative set of experiences for our lives, in fact or in potential. This works. Birch’s own experience includes an alternative timeline that came to his consciousness. This one was presented to him by his inner, spiritual self, rather than an objective externalisation of desire by him.

Without warning he was placed in a vision where he felt himself coming down the birth canal and out into the very cold, very bright world. He saw himself as a young boy in school uniform with a striped school tie. Education finished, he moved to a hot climate with palm trees, discovered the spiritual life, and then this alternative timeline merged into the present moment. He was then free to work with this timeline, filling in the gaps, and helping to create a new future with the revised timeline, free of certain personality ‘baggage’ accumulated in the present life timeline. He works with this to this day viewing it as a ’project’ for his own development, (albeit a never-ending project.)

Are there any other reasons for believing in, and creating, timelines? Birch helps us with this when he addresses the battle between dark and light forces elsewhere in this book.
So does all this have truth, or is it all contained in what psychologists call racial memory? Or is the information of our forebears held in our DNA? Perhaps all are true.
Certainly DNA codes are being constantly unlocked. We are understanding more and more about this source. Birch has experimented in this area of ‘unlocking’ information from DNA, psychically. Within the possibility of all three aspects above being true, Birch believes that Audrey’s skill is manifestly what it appears to be.

He now believes he can access his own DNA information through meditative techniques. He reckons to have proved this, at least to himself. It is much more difficult, or impossible, for Audrey to access his DNA. It is much more likely that Audrey, as has been argued above, has access to this ‘field of human experience’ known as the Akashic record.

Before we leave the subject of DNA, here’s a discomforting thought. We assume that DNA is something that enables us to exist as we do, to have developed as we have and to enable our children to become very much like us. We view DNA almost as a servant for us. But what if… what if we are servants of DNA, as are all other living organisms on earth? What if the prime organism is DNA, and it is our function to provide a body, a vehicle, if you will, to enable DNA to exist and perpetuate itself? That would make us hosts, wouldn’t it?

Birch presents one alternative view. This is from ‘Healing Celebrations Lecture’ by Leonard G. Horowitz. He suggests that one does not need to believe in reincarnation to explain why many people feel they have ancient memories - lucid flashbacks to age-old emotion-packed events - or even divine callings. These experiences may be associated with ancestral memories transmitted through hydro-electrified DNA. This theory is adequately supported by recent advances in electrogenetics, protein crystal science, and structured water biochemistry. Simply consider the subtle yet powerful frequency transmission capabilities and energy capacitance facilitated by DNA-clustered-water-nucleosome resonances. Some of these may be encoded with a spiritual flow containing ancient data.

Birch will finish this section by paraphrasing Spike Milligan’s comment that he wished to place on his gravestone which was. ‘I told you I was sick’. Birch’s version of it for concluding this section is, ‘I told you I would stretch your minds’

1 comment:

  1. When are we having either part 3 or another blog?

    Nothing has been posted for a week

    KS (UK)
