Sunday, 30 January 2011


Humans are more than external perception

I arrived at the house of friends John and Laverne. Standing in the hallway we three caught up on the news in each others lives after kisses and handshakes were exchanged. Upstairs I could hear someone moving around as the floorboards creaked under the pressure of moving feet.

Ah, your son Martin must be visiting, said I assuming that the creaking floorboards were the result of his shifting weight. John gave me a piercing look but said nothing. I thought this looked a little odd however the conversation quickly moved on. Later that night in the quiet of his study John recounted the following tale.

There are times when I am sitting at the foot of the stairs talking on the phone there. On occasions Laverne will come down the stairs and turn left past me in order to go into the kitchen. There is nothing unusual in that except, at certain times, she is followed by a spectre that I cannot see but I hear its footsteps on the stairs following Laverne. As she turns and passes me I sense her energy. Immediately afterwards I sense another energy. This energy is exactly the same as that of Laverne that preceded it. It is as though she is being followed by a psychic doppelganger.

How fascinating, I said. Are there any other strange happenings?
Yes indeed, replied my host. I have seen the spirit of my son Martin walking around the house. When I later asked Martin about this phenomenon the latter claimed to be thinking about his old home (Martin now lives elsewhere) when he is working. So it seems to be a case of psychic projection. Perhaps due to close connection he feels with this place and the psychic links that the two of us have between each other.

That story seems to confirm my hearing of footsteps when I came in, I rejoined.
Got it in one, triumphed John. I didn’t say anything when you heard the footsteps upstairs as it would probably have spooked Laverne.

So, I thought finally. This is an example of the Doppelganger translated as double walker from the German language.

Here is another example of, what could best be described, as a ‘deliberate’ double. My healer friend Doug Ashcroft heard how a previous client had developed a serious cancerous condition. Right, he said I will ask her to come to England for healing from her New Mexican home. The contact who had told Doug of the friend’s cancer said,
There is no way that she will come.

I will contact her now and she will come, said Doug who is not under-imbued with self confidence. He went into meditation, projected his consciousness into the friend’s house and left a message for her to come for healing. Within a day Doug received a telephone call from the suffering friend who commented ironically on the image of Doug appearing in her house and urging her to come to England. The friend told Doug that she had already arrived in London, England, in response to his psychic appearance, and would be travelling to Stroud immediately for life giving healing; and so it proved.

I later recalled the instance of one of my friends describing the appearance of his Doppelganger or double. He was standing at the railway station waiting for a train when to his utter amazement he looked at the rails only to find his image looking back at him but in a leering, unpleasant manner. The friend is the reverse of these unpleasant characteristics in this three dimensional existence. He is a man of exemplary character in his life with family and friends. The above story seems to be an example of the ‘evil twin’ idea outlined below in the Wikipedia explanation.

The following is an experience of mine that is taken from our book ‘So You Think That We’re Alone?’ This occurred as I arrived at Yogananda’s ashram in Northern California.
Beneath a tree which offering some sort of shade, sat a man relaxing in his chair. Oh, said he, you have returned to us.
Uh, no, Birch replied. I’ve never been here before.
Yes, you have.
No, I haven’t. Not wishing this encounter to degenerate in pantomime, Birch wandered towards the ashram’s office.

This bizarre exchange could easily have been put down to mistaken identity had it not been for another encounter the following morning. Another person Birch had never seen welcomed him back to the ashram. Two cases of mistaken identity were not so easy to dismiss. The visit had started with an interesting twist.

Perhaps I had been there before projecting an unconscious image of myself. I never investigated the incident further.

Jaqueline, my wife recounts the story of a time when she worked as a supermarket check-out cashier. One day, between serving customers, she glanced up and received what she described as ‘the shock of her life’. As she casually glanced in the direction of the supermarket entrance a woman walked in who was the exact physical double of herself. The height, hair, skin colour, body shape even the style of the spectacles were both exactly the same.

 It was as though they had both been cast from the same mould they were so similar. The woman caught sight of the staring Jaqueline and appeared equally shocked. The woman continued to stare at Jaqueline, open mouthed head turned to the right, as she all the while walked forward towards the lines of tall refrigerators in front of her. Jaqueline struggled in her mind with this bizarre situation as her ‘double’ disappeared out of sight.

 Jaqueline hoped that the woman would come to her till so that she could question her concerning this strange situation. Unfortunately the other woman did not have the courage or the interest to uncover more of this odd connection. She checked out at a different till to Jaqueline’s. In addition the other woman never returned to the store in the year and a half that Jaqueline continued to work there. This story surfaces the question as to whether there are physical doubles or Doppelgangers in this three dimensional reality as well as psychically perceived ones.

 Was this vision an example of the time dimensional shift mentioned below? If so then Jaqueline saw herself in the supermarket.

Friend Mary Fitzgerald had a similar experience to Jaqueline in respect of an encounter with a physical double. On a day out at Glastonbury with boyfriend Mike she was sitting in their car waiting for proceedings with their ritual group to begin. When across Mary’s line of vision appeared an exact double of her physical body even down to the type of headband that she normally wore. The double moved across the front of the car and on into the crowd not to be seen again.

 Later that morning Mary became greatly de-energised for no apparent reason. The story becomes more puzzling. A few days later Mary recounted her experience to me. I received a vision of the background to this phenomenon. I sensed that Mary’s higher self had sent a near facsimile of herself into incarnation in order to double the amount of information that it could receive from this sector of third dimensional experience. The de-energising experience that Mary had was, according to my inner perspective, a realignment of her energies.

 This occurred in order to create a greater connection with higher self and other associated soul fragments. This would give Mary greater potential for wise counsel and information that she would not otherwise receive. By the experience of Mary seeing her double but the double not seeing her then the gift was for Mary only. Another aspect of the de-energising is outlined later in the story concerning Emilie Sagee which follows in another part.

Musing further on the phenomena I wondered if the higher self or soul is split before birth so that double the amount of experience can be fed back to the higher self in one lifetime from two humans. This could be one explanation.

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