Friday, 22 March 2013


In twenty-first century society in western countries the common acceptance of man/woman is that he/she is a physical, mental and psychological being. Many other societies in the east and within indigenous peoples live and participate in the fourth area of human abilities that is ignored by most in the west; that is the world of the psychic and spiritual.

Why is this vast area of human potential ignored when, in my view, all human posses the potential, if not the actual, to express psychic power? At the individual level it can be scary to enter a world that is unseen to the physical eye and which possesses unknown and, perhaps, dark powers.

Within our social structure those that speak of these powers and energies are often lampooned. It is, of course, in the interests of narrow social structures to live in the comfortable confines of the visible world. Those that would rule us can be comforted that in this way they retain the keys to our control. Religions and elites of all kinds can live lives of comfort and superiority when human society is locked in to a narrow paradigm.

How can we break free from this strait-jacket of limited perceptions? For me the simplest way is to listen to the whisperings of our intuition. Many groups within our society already do this. Police talk of their ‘gut feelings’ when investigating a crime quite often when intellectual explorations have been exhausted. Mothers often know instantly when a child is in trouble even though they may be separated physically from their child.

If we have denied our intuitive faculty for lengths of time then it will have quietened as the intellect takes complete control of our decision making and thought processes. It takes time, effort and belief to return to our natural state of receiving intuitive impulses. Having accessed the intuitive there will be occasions when such a message will be at odds with the intellectual process. On these occasions we have a choice to make between the two. For me the intuitive sense has never let me down when I have followed its suggested route. Of course it may take courage to stand against the mainstream of thought and follow a path that may not be popular with those around us.

There is also the issue of following the intuitive messages of those that we are in contact with. Seers, mystics, gurus cult leaders all have used the message of their inner voices to transmit to and, perhaps, control those around them. How do we separate the wheat from the chaff in this regard? Yet again we have the inspiration of our intuition to seek the truth of that which is transmitted by such individuals. As the man said ‘Ask and ye shall be given’. Simply by asking for intuitive advice we open a channel to that source.

Some of the above are power seekers, some misguided, some genuinely inspired by positive spiritual forces.

We live in a world that is greater than we think. At this point I would like to introduce the idea of timelines to this piece. I have written of such in previous blogs. We, as sentient human beings, are aware of the stream of objective reality within which we function. This reality allows us to live and develop in a way that does not overload the objective consciousness. There are, in my experience, many other streams of realities co-existing with this one. Within these realities beings function very much as we do living their lives perhaps in complete oblivion to other streams. Let us call these streams ‘timelines’. To be in conscious touch 24/7 with other timelines would cause overload and mental breakdown.

Often humans cross over to other timelines, have experiences and return to this their common or main timeline. They may be conscious or unconscious of this crossing and returning. Mostly in western society we are unconscious of this travelling back and forth. Objects also can move from one timeline to another and back again. I had an experience of such an event.

At one time I would use a crystal tied on a cotton thread as a pendulum for certain spiritual work. On one occasion I was carrying the pendulum from one room to another in my home when the pendulum dropped from my grasp. I dropped to my knees but could not find the object. I searched for some time but it had completely disappeared. Some months later the cotton re-appeared on the carpet in the area that it had been lost. The crystal never did return.

There are many possible explanations for the loss and partial re-appearance. However my guidance/intuition later told me that the crystal had moved into another dimension or timeline. At the right time the cotton re-appeared to encourage me to meditate and come to the above conclusion.

Be aware that we all have these abilities. These abilities create a doorway to our genuine development

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