Lat summer my intuition whispered to me 'It is time to publish the third book' was its quiet message.
'Yeah, Yeah,' was my reply. 'I am still busy with chi gong'. I immediately forgot about our third book again.
Soon the whisperings returned.
'Yeah, Yeah. Later later,' was my, by now, slightly exasperated response. Back into forget mode did I go.
Within days I was woken at three in the morning. My guidance was, by now, insistent. It would not be denied.
As a person who loves his sleep I realised that I, perhaps, ought to listen this time and do as was suggested.
So I returned to this third text. Pete was now busy with foreign business interests so the work of preparation was down to me.
I 'dusted off' (metaphorically) the text and prepared it for editing, updating it and adding to it as more information came into consciousness. I was advised by a fellow 'crazy' that Choir Press in Gloucester was an efficient publishing house and so it proved as I handed over our 'baby' to their tender care.
'crazies' is the word used by wife Jaqueline for those people of a psychic and spiritual disposition not in the mainstream religious perspectives.
Friend and fellow 'crazy' Paul Hover said of the above story, The spiritual forces must want this book published in 2012, the year of the alleged great shift'.
So, the book, We're Still Not Alone' by Peter Haines and Clive Birch is now available on Amazon. I hope that those that decide to invest in a copy enjoy the read and find things therein that inspire and are thought provoking. Our first book 'So You Think We're Alone' created resonance with some people that was most unexpected to me. They saw and perceived elements in the book that was totally unexpected to me.
I write from inspiration so guidance from the powers of light must be an element within the context of Pete's and my humble words.
I will finish with a few few words concerning friend and co-writer Pete Haines. Without his vision, inspiration, writing skills and enthusiastic support none of these books would have been written. This is a man of great talent as well as psychic abilities.
Thank you Pete.
The amazing and fascinating adventures of the self-confessed 'crazy man' continue. The tales are laced with humour and much fun. the fantastic travels range from the mountains and crags of the Languedoc, France through the mystical heartland of Brittany and finish in the dusty and chaotic heartland of Mexico. The haunting and ancient temples of Malta and Gozo thrill and excite. Birch's stories range from scary ghost stories, the use of magical symbols and words to little known inner secrets of blood and bones. These tales are truly transformational, different and mind openeingh for the sincere seeker of truth.
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