Sunday, 13 March 2011



Tthe debate as to whether there will be major changes to Earth and Humanity at the winter Equinox 2012 rages on among mystically minded people. It has now entered the consciousness of the general public through the media and films such as 2012.

I had pretty much put the issue out of my mind until I received the following e-mail from friend Roy.
 I am becoming aware that more and more people studying mysticism and spirituality are taking the subject of 2012 seriously.  Whereas a lot of silly things are being said about it I have actually found astronomical (not astrological) evidence for it.  Have you had any inner spiritual guidance on this subject matter?

I thought about Roy’s question and replied. The following is the basis of that reply and some extra, subsequent perspectives

For me the idea is exemplified in the rise of energies both cosmic and those of the Earth. These rising energies are creating enhanced vibrational conditions for humanity should individuals care to embrace them. In addition social, political and religious structures tied to the old energies are falling apart. This is particularly so where these structures and thought patterns do not take account of those opportunities for change created by the enhanced energies.

Mystics and seers do not know if there is an end date for the possible changes to humanity and the planet to become fully manifest. Drunvalo Melchizedek believes that the full effects will not take place until February 2013. Chris Thomas believes that there is a window of change between October 2011 and December 21st 2012. Don Alejandro, head Maya priest in Guatemala, on his website, is now saying also that a window of change opened in 2007 and could terminate in 2015. He obviously has changed his position because he told me and others in 1999 that the end date was December 21st 2012.

 Don Alejandro had spoken powerfully of the Earth changes at the end of the Mayan calendar. The Mayan calendar is a complex system of interlocking elements. Understanding requires years of study. It is 26,000 years in length and ends on 21st December 2012. By this date, great changes to the Earth are forecast by many commentators, including the Mayans

The truth is that no-one really knows for sure what will happen. My intuitions are telling me that we are now in the changes; that the old reality is going fast. For me it is a sliding scale of change. One only has to look at the sudden uprisings in the Middle East and the failing financial system to be aware of what is happening. Unfortunately there are negative perspectives such as the terrible tragedy of the Japanese earthquake. The Earth is stretching itself into a new paradigm.

Even the religionists are getting in on the act. I saw a huge motorway billboard display when traveling in the US two years ago. This claimed that Dec 21st 2012 was now a religious event and the saviour would arrive on that date! Many people are keeping their options open. Personally I don’t believe anyone is coming to rescue us whether it is a religious person or Alien as others are claiming. This is our responsibility to see through changes, you, me and everyone else. No-one is coming to ‘save us’. We live on a free will planet. This free will is ours to exercise

The Maya seem pretty relaxed about the whole thing. Don Alejandro and others say that this is only one cycle that will terminate or is terminating. There are cycles within cycles, according to Maya beliefs, that are coming to an end. So hang on to your hats!

If I was to believe anyone outside my own intuition I would go for Don Alejandro. One only has to look into his eyes to see that he is a great soul and of wonderful insight. Many others are deluded and power hungry. I hasten to add that this does not apply to any others quoted in this piece.

Roy followed up with his perceptions later

Our galaxy has a diameter of 100,000 light years and an average thickness accross the spiral arms of 100 light years.  In other words the thickness is only one hundreth of the diameter.  Most astro-physisists are agreed that in 2012 the solar system cannot come into alignment with the centre of the galaxy as it has NEVER BEEN OUT OF ALIGNMENT WITH SUCH.  In my last communication I did state that as the solar system travels around the galactic centre once every 250 million years it does not do so in a flat plane, in alignment with the galaxy's equatorial plane, but has a slight wobble up and down. 

 I did speculate earlier as to whether the peiodicity of cutting through the equator ( above - then down and through - below then up to starting point) could be related to a periodicity of a Precessional Age of 2160 years.  But I have since found astronomical evidence that the periodicity is about 2.7 times in one circuit of 250 million years, in other words, 93 million years!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It would seem that the supposed alignment with the galactic centre is another one of those New Age Spirituality money-making ruses.

That does not mean that there are no changes taking place.  The period of overlap between the in-comming Aquarian Age and outgoing Piscean Age is 36 years.  There are 3 x 12 in 36.  Add another 12 and you get 2012 ( the overlap was between 1964 and 2000 - coincidence- nothing to do with the millenium!).    Major changes are currently taking place in the Planetary consciousness and will continue through 2012 into 2013.  These are now affecting everything on the planet on a physical, etheric, and spiritual level, and are demanding that we heal ourselves and raise our consciousness in line with such.

My sense concerning the alignment with the centre of the galaxy is this. Planetary beings are sentient as is the energy at the centre of the galaxy. I believe that we are being pulsed with energies from this source. This energy is consciously directed.

There is another postulation that I read on the Internet recently that the demise of the Dinosours and other great changes was due to the disruption caused at the end of previous cycles. Thereafter mammals spontaneously were birthed by mother Earth from her new consciousness.

I believe that friend Margaret has a point when she claims that the changes, whatever they are, will take place over several decades. The awareness of humanity could take that long to grasp that we are in a different energy pattern viz a viz the universe.

It also seems to me that all this activity and focus around 2012 is a metaphor for changes within the human psyche. In that case the date may be irrelevant. What matters is that humanity is changing itself at the level of the mass consciousness which will then filter to the individual human. A major feature concerning  this time is that the changes are accelerating.

Joseph Robert Jochmans said on the Internet

. "Both the Hopis and Mayans recognize that we are approaching the end of a World Age... In both cases, however, the Hopi and Mayan elders do not prophesy that everything will come to an end. Rather, this is a time of transition from one World Age into another. The message they give concerns our making a choice of how we enter the future ahead. Our moving through with either resistance or acceptance will determine whether the transition will happen with cataclysmic changes or gradual peace and tranquility. The same theme can be found reflected in the prophecies of many other Native American visionaries from Black Elk to Sun Bear."

Carl Johan Calleman (Ph.D) wrote the following.

"Many people have an intuitive sense that the end of the Mayan calendar will bring a shift in consciousness. Yet, it is rarely clearly stated or explained exactly what is the source of such a shift, how it will happen or what would be its nature? Maybe however shifts in consciousness are actually a little less mysterious than many people tend to believe. In fact, shifts in consciousness have been happening from the beginning of time and continue to happen whenever there is a significant energy shift in the Mayan calendar, such as between any of its days and nights. Despite all these previous shifts in cosmic history, I feel however that there is something very special and significant with the new consciousness that may be expected to be generated by the ninth(?) wave."

"For this event to be successful in generating the intention for the shift to the consciousness of the ninth wave a massive participation in it will be desirable also at preparatory stages. The preparatory efforts have to be shared by the millions that intend for a shift in consciousness to take place. To bring it about a collective effort will thus be needed and already making a choice to participate is part of creating the intention that has been discussed here. Initially, there will be a great need for people to take initiatives to disseminate the call for the Conscious Convergence around the world. It is important to approach organizations to have them embrace it. Then there will be the need for people to make their unique contributions known through public web sites, social media and other networks."

For those interested in this subject there are as many perspectives as there are enquirers. For me not only is the Earth and humanity involved but also the other kingdoms on this planet. The animal vegetable and mineral kingdoms may be ahead of humanity in preparing for and coping with potential change. We wrote concerning changes to the animal kingdom in our book ‘So You Think We’re Alone’.  The mineral kingdom is part of the earth and therefore uniquely tied into her consciousness.

As far as the vegetable kingdom is concerned I share an interesting story. A contact of friend Mary Fitzgerald tells of her work that she used to do of conscious alignment with trees. Recently she approached some trees at the normal time in the year for her work. She was communicated with by the trees telling her in a most direct way that her contact was no longer required. The trees were on their own path working through their own development.

There are those that say humanity will be leaving the planet or will ascend to a new dimension free of the physical body. I believe these views to be erroneous. I don’t see us as humans going anywhere. Earth is our home and our mother. Whatever changes to human consciousness manifest we will still be here. After all there is nowhere else to go. It is important to stay grounded, confident and fear free in the coming months and years.

The film 2012 was one attempt, among others, to label the upcoming changes with fear. Don’t buy into it. There are those that would rule us that want humanity to be fearful and to look to moribund authority for comfort. This is yet another attempt to continue the enslavement of the human psyche. It is important to be positive concerning the future to be filled with confidence. We are making the new reality by our conscious efforts, The Earth responds to its human charges with love. We can and we are making a difference.

So, what will happen on the, allegedly, fateful day, perhaps something perhaps nothing. I tend towards the something school of thought. Why so? because we are already making a difference by our meditations, thoughts, words and actions. The Earth will respond to the positivity or otherwise of her human children. We can reduce the birth pangs of  Earth’s new being.

For those further interested in the Mayan calendar much information can be found on the Internet.

1 comment:

  1. Gosh you certainly put some effort into cutting through a lot of the trendy New Agey garbage. Very similar to cutting through the fear-mongering on the part of those religious sects that have predicted again, and agan, and again, the arrival of Armageddon, AND GOT IT WRONG. Yes, we need to keep our feet on the ground.
