Monday, 19 September 2011


I, and many others, have written extensively concerning 2012 and the upcoming potential changes to our reality. The truth is we don’t have a clue to the background of the momentous events about to enfold as we struggle with the concept from a western, linear, intellectual construct.

The Maya, on the other hand, have for thousands of past years anticipated the upcoming events. They did so from the background of their cyclical calendars that encompassed vast eons of time. They see themselves as the keepers of time as well as being the children of the stars. Their antecedents originate in the Pleiadian areas of the cosmos.

The Maya propose nine levels of consciousness exemplified in concrete terms by the nine platforms of the pyramid of Kukulcan, Chichen Itza, Mexico.

First Level             This began 16.4 billion years ago when the physical universe began. This is called the cellular level.

Second Level        This started 820 million years ago and is called the Mammalian cycle because its product was mammals.

Third Level            Commenced 41 million years ago and is called the family or familiar level. Consciousness of the family arose. Monkeys first appeared.

Fourth Level          This started 2 million years ago and began the tribal cycle.

Fifth Level             The cultural cycle began which started 102,000 years ago.

Sixth Level            The National consciousness began in 3115BC in Egypt.

Seventh Level        This started in 1715AD and is called the planetary cycle. This was the beginning of the Industrial Revolution.

Eighth Level          Galactic Consciousness began on Jan 5 1999. There was an energetic shift upward in vibration every 360 days.

Ninth Level            The Universal level started on February 10 2011. This cycle is 260 days long in total.

Thus the nine levels are completed on October 28 2011.

Changes of consciousness will then occur every 20 days.

We are co-creators in this revolution.

This is not my work. I found it on Youtube in the video ‘2012 The Online Movie – The full movie’. It occurs about 45 to 50 minutes in to the video. I think it important to share it at this time.

Gregg Brescott says that on October 28 2011 there is an acceleration of creation. More and more of everything is available in every second. The acceleration is so great that everything is possible and happens at the same time. Consciousness and creation exist in total. All past and future exist right here.

To Paraphrase and ameliorate an ancient Chinese curse so that it becomes a blessing,

May we all live in interesting times.

Lots of Love


Saturday, 26 March 2011


It is a given in much of Western consciousness that the Earth is a piece of rock flying through the universe to be mined, drilled, utilised as a piece of real estate and generally abused as a resource for human needs.

Many mystics, me included, believe that the Earth is a living being with her own life plan and objectives. In addition the animal, vegetable, mineral and human kingdoms are a projection of Earth’s consciousness. Thus we humans, as a specie, and the other kingdoms owe our very existence to the beneficence of our terrestrial mother. Without her co-operation and, yes, love we would not be here.

Humanity, in the main, does not have the conscious awareness that they are not in charge. The Indigenous peoples have been aware throughout the centuries that our mother is beneficient as long as we do not abuse her. Many of their ceremonies are based around the premise of loving and giving thanks to her for our existence and sustenance.

So given the general perspective of superiority of man over the Earth and, thus the elements, the consciousness of man perceives existing in a straight line reality. Everything proceeds according to a human plan marching forward into the future. Nothing could be further from the truth. Reality works in a cyclical fashion repeating cause and effect on higher rungs of the spiral. Perhaps I will write further on this perspective later.

There is another factor to be considered. That is the law of Karma or cause and effect. Every action invites its opposite re-action in this third dimensional reality. This law of the universe works between kingdoms as well as between individual and groups of humans. So, let us consider recent some events.

Some time ago a TV nature commentator suffered a horrific death after being stung by Manta Ray while swimming. The strange thing about this sad death was that such an attack is practically unknown. These animals are not known to attack humans. I began to think and meditate on this strange and awful event. I remember that this person had made a successful TV career by manhandling crocodiles and snakes in a way to create a reaction from the viewing public.

 I saw these programs as an affront to nature although it was, most probably, exciting for much of the viewing public. It came to my intuition that the death was a karmic recompense for the, as I saw it, an affront to nature. I am not comfortable saying this. Any death is a sad loss to family and friends. However natural law will be fulfilled whatever our human perception is of such an event.

Let us examine a much larger natural event. An undersea earthquake near Japan caused a Tsunami and the death of thousands of people. Damage caused has been on a massive scale. Half a million people were living in temporary shelter; Apocalyptic. Again one must send heartfelt love and compassion to the Japanese people and the grieving families. The worst damage was caused around the seaports and inland areas around the North-East coast.

In an apparently unrelated event the Japanese have been catching and killing whales much to the opposition of the International community and, in my view, against Mother Earth. These catches, it is said, are for unspecified ‘scientific’ research. Now whales are not only intelligent and sentient mammals but are the holders of vital codes of information for humanity and Mother Earth. So are the unforgiveable deaths of whales, to mystics, connected to the terrible scenes from Japan recently? Is Mother Earth operating her own defence against the human attacks on her charges, the whales? The loss of life on both sides is appalling and difficult to comprehend.

After a meditation friend Joan told of European men married to Japanese women re-locating their families to Europe thus bringing the Oriental energy further into the west. In addition The Japanese authorities have been forced to call in support from abroad in order to begin to overcome the desperate Tsunami problems. Thus the mixing of cultures and energies continues apace. This can only be good for mutual understanding.

In a TV program, told to me by friend Mary, Japanese consumers were confronted by a Western reporter. They were asked about the source of their delicacy Shark fin soup. When informed that the Sharks were brutally slaughtered to provide the, to them,   delicacy those interviewed shrugged their shoulders saying that this had always been the case for hundreds of years. So, could it be argued that Nature was striking back through our Mother Earth in order to protect her specie?

In a subsequent meditation I was given two other pieces of information. First, that the disaster to the human population was an attempt by Mother Nature to open the emotions of the Japanese populations. Our Earth Mother needs humanity to be emotionally balanced for the coming times. After all humanity is the equivalent of a chakra of the Earth and is, therefore, necessary for her continuing evolution. I was informed during the meditation that this necessary change was taking place.

A few day after writing the above I received an e-mail from friend Paul Hover who received the following from a  Japanese Tsunami survivor.
Things here in Sendai have been rather surreal. But I am very blessed to have wonderful friends who are helping me a lot. Since my shack is even more worthy of that name, I am now staying at a friend's home. We share supplies like water, food and a kerosene heater. We sleep lined up in one room, eat by candlelight, share stories. It is warm, friendly, and beautiful.
During the day we help each other clean up the mess in our homes. People sit in their cars, looking at news on their navigation screens, or line up to get drinking water when a source is open. If someone has water running in their home, they put out a sign so people can come to fill up their jugs and buckets.
It's utterly amazingly that where I am there has been no looting, no pushing in lines. People leave their front door open, as it is safer when an earthquake strikes. People keep saying, "Oh, this is how it used to be in the old days when everyone helped one another."
IF the above is common experience then, indeed, the Japanese emotional psyche is opening up.

The second intuition centred on the unfolding nuclear disaster. I was informed intuitively that this disaster gave the Japanese the opportunity to become disenchanted with this toxic form of energy generation. Once set aside the powerful Japanese engineering abilities could then develop a threat free mode of energy generation. This was a gift to Japan from cosmic forces.

What I an arguing is that there needs to be a balance of give and take between Mother Earth and her kingdoms. This requirement for balance has always been in place. The Indigenous peoples know and have known this. We, the supposedly modern societies, have lost the knowledge and thus the will to maintain this balance. This will be to our future detriment as a race unless we reverse current attitudes.

So how do we reverse that which has been part of man’s psyche since the enlightenment? What we do is return to the wisdom of the ancients and the indigenous peoples. We honour Earth in meditation, in rational thought in our behaviour and in physical work with the planet; sounds easy doesn’t it? It is. After all it is the way that ancestors and indigenous have survived and prospered on our Mother Earth.  If we don’t change our ways then the inevitable decline of our society, which is well under way, will result in its demise. This will, in my view, be sooner rather than later. We can start to change as individuals. There is always something that can be done.

My intuition tells me that no disaster, cataclysm whether human or otherwise is fixed in time. If anyone tells you that ‘the end is nigh’ ignore them and work positively. You can and do make a difference. Start now. There is no time like the present. Our work with our Mother is akin to the way that DNA works. Our thoughts and actions change our DNA as we move through life. Our positive work with Mother Earth helps her and will change those cataclysms and troubles that would otherwise occur to an unconscious populace.

Those that would rule us will attempt to tell you differently. They will either say that nothing will happen and for us to carry on in the same old way or they will say that disaster cannot be avoided. Don’t listen to them. They are deluded or power hungry. Publicity of every difficult situation that humanity faces is constantly replayed through the electronic and paper media. It is in our remit, as humans, to be aware, to witness, to be compassionate and to help where possible. It is also important not to be permanently dragged into the drama of others. It can deflect us from our path towards our developing consciousness and that of Mother Earth. Those that would rule us would love to trap us in a constant frenzy of fear and stress.

On a related issue I was given a perspective connecting Earth to her neighbours the Moon and Sun. There are some that say the Moon is an artificial construct and was placed in orbit around the Earth. I know not if this is true or not. The information that I was given in meditation relates to the function of reflection.

This is an important function of our consciousness and was a gift to humanity as a result of the interaction of Mother Earth and the Moon and the Sun. Now the key element in this interaction is the energetic process which results from the Moon reflecting the light of the Sun to the Earth and thus humanity. Also the Moon reflects back the light of the Earth back to the Earth. Without the Moon creating this energy matrix we humans would not possess this wonderful function of consciousness. So we can see how important the heavenly bodies are in our continuing developing consciousness.

Friend Doug sent the following.

Do you think the horrific disaster in Japan is due to

1. The natural forces of the earth settling or
2. The earth reacting to the abuse it has endured for millenia - 
enough is enough sort of thing

If 2 then

1. is the earth ITSELF sensitive and conscious or
2. is it under the influence of a Consciousness that controls the Universe

If 2 then

1. is the purely materialistic godlessness attracting retribution
2. If so would a spiritual return on the part of the people of Japan 
AS A WHOLE attract vibrations of protection and a quelling of such 
horrific disasters.

What do you think out there, consciousnesses linked to the electronic matrix? Your views and perspectives are at least as important as those of Doug and me. I would really like to hear from you.

Sunday, 13 March 2011



Tthe debate as to whether there will be major changes to Earth and Humanity at the winter Equinox 2012 rages on among mystically minded people. It has now entered the consciousness of the general public through the media and films such as 2012.

I had pretty much put the issue out of my mind until I received the following e-mail from friend Roy.
 I am becoming aware that more and more people studying mysticism and spirituality are taking the subject of 2012 seriously.  Whereas a lot of silly things are being said about it I have actually found astronomical (not astrological) evidence for it.  Have you had any inner spiritual guidance on this subject matter?

I thought about Roy’s question and replied. The following is the basis of that reply and some extra, subsequent perspectives

For me the idea is exemplified in the rise of energies both cosmic and those of the Earth. These rising energies are creating enhanced vibrational conditions for humanity should individuals care to embrace them. In addition social, political and religious structures tied to the old energies are falling apart. This is particularly so where these structures and thought patterns do not take account of those opportunities for change created by the enhanced energies.

Mystics and seers do not know if there is an end date for the possible changes to humanity and the planet to become fully manifest. Drunvalo Melchizedek believes that the full effects will not take place until February 2013. Chris Thomas believes that there is a window of change between October 2011 and December 21st 2012. Don Alejandro, head Maya priest in Guatemala, on his website, is now saying also that a window of change opened in 2007 and could terminate in 2015. He obviously has changed his position because he told me and others in 1999 that the end date was December 21st 2012.

 Don Alejandro had spoken powerfully of the Earth changes at the end of the Mayan calendar. The Mayan calendar is a complex system of interlocking elements. Understanding requires years of study. It is 26,000 years in length and ends on 21st December 2012. By this date, great changes to the Earth are forecast by many commentators, including the Mayans

The truth is that no-one really knows for sure what will happen. My intuitions are telling me that we are now in the changes; that the old reality is going fast. For me it is a sliding scale of change. One only has to look at the sudden uprisings in the Middle East and the failing financial system to be aware of what is happening. Unfortunately there are negative perspectives such as the terrible tragedy of the Japanese earthquake. The Earth is stretching itself into a new paradigm.

Even the religionists are getting in on the act. I saw a huge motorway billboard display when traveling in the US two years ago. This claimed that Dec 21st 2012 was now a religious event and the saviour would arrive on that date! Many people are keeping their options open. Personally I don’t believe anyone is coming to rescue us whether it is a religious person or Alien as others are claiming. This is our responsibility to see through changes, you, me and everyone else. No-one is coming to ‘save us’. We live on a free will planet. This free will is ours to exercise

The Maya seem pretty relaxed about the whole thing. Don Alejandro and others say that this is only one cycle that will terminate or is terminating. There are cycles within cycles, according to Maya beliefs, that are coming to an end. So hang on to your hats!

If I was to believe anyone outside my own intuition I would go for Don Alejandro. One only has to look into his eyes to see that he is a great soul and of wonderful insight. Many others are deluded and power hungry. I hasten to add that this does not apply to any others quoted in this piece.

Roy followed up with his perceptions later

Our galaxy has a diameter of 100,000 light years and an average thickness accross the spiral arms of 100 light years.  In other words the thickness is only one hundreth of the diameter.  Most astro-physisists are agreed that in 2012 the solar system cannot come into alignment with the centre of the galaxy as it has NEVER BEEN OUT OF ALIGNMENT WITH SUCH.  In my last communication I did state that as the solar system travels around the galactic centre once every 250 million years it does not do so in a flat plane, in alignment with the galaxy's equatorial plane, but has a slight wobble up and down. 

 I did speculate earlier as to whether the peiodicity of cutting through the equator ( above - then down and through - below then up to starting point) could be related to a periodicity of a Precessional Age of 2160 years.  But I have since found astronomical evidence that the periodicity is about 2.7 times in one circuit of 250 million years, in other words, 93 million years!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It would seem that the supposed alignment with the galactic centre is another one of those New Age Spirituality money-making ruses.

That does not mean that there are no changes taking place.  The period of overlap between the in-comming Aquarian Age and outgoing Piscean Age is 36 years.  There are 3 x 12 in 36.  Add another 12 and you get 2012 ( the overlap was between 1964 and 2000 - coincidence- nothing to do with the millenium!).    Major changes are currently taking place in the Planetary consciousness and will continue through 2012 into 2013.  These are now affecting everything on the planet on a physical, etheric, and spiritual level, and are demanding that we heal ourselves and raise our consciousness in line with such.

My sense concerning the alignment with the centre of the galaxy is this. Planetary beings are sentient as is the energy at the centre of the galaxy. I believe that we are being pulsed with energies from this source. This energy is consciously directed.

There is another postulation that I read on the Internet recently that the demise of the Dinosours and other great changes was due to the disruption caused at the end of previous cycles. Thereafter mammals spontaneously were birthed by mother Earth from her new consciousness.

I believe that friend Margaret has a point when she claims that the changes, whatever they are, will take place over several decades. The awareness of humanity could take that long to grasp that we are in a different energy pattern viz a viz the universe.

It also seems to me that all this activity and focus around 2012 is a metaphor for changes within the human psyche. In that case the date may be irrelevant. What matters is that humanity is changing itself at the level of the mass consciousness which will then filter to the individual human. A major feature concerning  this time is that the changes are accelerating.

Joseph Robert Jochmans said on the Internet

. "Both the Hopis and Mayans recognize that we are approaching the end of a World Age... In both cases, however, the Hopi and Mayan elders do not prophesy that everything will come to an end. Rather, this is a time of transition from one World Age into another. The message they give concerns our making a choice of how we enter the future ahead. Our moving through with either resistance or acceptance will determine whether the transition will happen with cataclysmic changes or gradual peace and tranquility. The same theme can be found reflected in the prophecies of many other Native American visionaries from Black Elk to Sun Bear."

Carl Johan Calleman (Ph.D) wrote the following.

"Many people have an intuitive sense that the end of the Mayan calendar will bring a shift in consciousness. Yet, it is rarely clearly stated or explained exactly what is the source of such a shift, how it will happen or what would be its nature? Maybe however shifts in consciousness are actually a little less mysterious than many people tend to believe. In fact, shifts in consciousness have been happening from the beginning of time and continue to happen whenever there is a significant energy shift in the Mayan calendar, such as between any of its days and nights. Despite all these previous shifts in cosmic history, I feel however that there is something very special and significant with the new consciousness that may be expected to be generated by the ninth(?) wave."

"For this event to be successful in generating the intention for the shift to the consciousness of the ninth wave a massive participation in it will be desirable also at preparatory stages. The preparatory efforts have to be shared by the millions that intend for a shift in consciousness to take place. To bring it about a collective effort will thus be needed and already making a choice to participate is part of creating the intention that has been discussed here. Initially, there will be a great need for people to take initiatives to disseminate the call for the Conscious Convergence around the world. It is important to approach organizations to have them embrace it. Then there will be the need for people to make their unique contributions known through public web sites, social media and other networks."

For those interested in this subject there are as many perspectives as there are enquirers. For me not only is the Earth and humanity involved but also the other kingdoms on this planet. The animal vegetable and mineral kingdoms may be ahead of humanity in preparing for and coping with potential change. We wrote concerning changes to the animal kingdom in our book ‘So You Think We’re Alone’.  The mineral kingdom is part of the earth and therefore uniquely tied into her consciousness.

As far as the vegetable kingdom is concerned I share an interesting story. A contact of friend Mary Fitzgerald tells of her work that she used to do of conscious alignment with trees. Recently she approached some trees at the normal time in the year for her work. She was communicated with by the trees telling her in a most direct way that her contact was no longer required. The trees were on their own path working through their own development.

There are those that say humanity will be leaving the planet or will ascend to a new dimension free of the physical body. I believe these views to be erroneous. I don’t see us as humans going anywhere. Earth is our home and our mother. Whatever changes to human consciousness manifest we will still be here. After all there is nowhere else to go. It is important to stay grounded, confident and fear free in the coming months and years.

The film 2012 was one attempt, among others, to label the upcoming changes with fear. Don’t buy into it. There are those that would rule us that want humanity to be fearful and to look to moribund authority for comfort. This is yet another attempt to continue the enslavement of the human psyche. It is important to be positive concerning the future to be filled with confidence. We are making the new reality by our conscious efforts, The Earth responds to its human charges with love. We can and we are making a difference.

So, what will happen on the, allegedly, fateful day, perhaps something perhaps nothing. I tend towards the something school of thought. Why so? because we are already making a difference by our meditations, thoughts, words and actions. The Earth will respond to the positivity or otherwise of her human children. We can reduce the birth pangs of  Earth’s new being.

For those further interested in the Mayan calendar much information can be found on the Internet.

Saturday, 26 February 2011


This was posted on www.whatsuponplanet earth website subsequent to my US visit.
As mentioned in past energy alerts many months ago, Barack Obama will also serve as one who initiates a grid to hold things steady during the major transition. This is his designated role.

 Looking to this beautiful soul to be other things only places him in a position to create confusion. He is here to hold the space, to create an energetic grid of stability during the fall (Autumn), and of course a few other icings on the cake. This is why he moved into position so quickly and against all odds, as he was following his soul plan and the evolutionary plan of the planet.

In the winter solstice 2008 edition of the Pleiadian Times, before the January 20th Presidential inauguration, astrologer George Ward wrote this concerning the inauguration date of President-elect Barak Obama.
Although he won the election in a virtual landslide of popular national support, the astrological influences at the time of his inauguration on January 20th appear to be very dicey.

 Tradition has it that the U.S. president is sworn in at noon on January 20th. The astrological influences of that day and time in 2009 feature Mercury retrograde conjunct the Sun as well as a void-of-course Moon phase. These aspects foretell major challenges for President-elect Obama and the country if he is sworn in at noon on January 20th, 2009 in Washington D.C.

 A void-of-course Moon (V.O.C.) phase occurs when the moon has finished making any more geometric relationships to other planets before it moves to a new sign. Energies appear to retreat behind the scenes during void-of-course Moon periods.  The V.O.C. phase of the moon can cause a loss of energy or momentum to complete the job.

In 1945 President Roosevelt was inaugurated for his third term under a V.O.C. Moon and died in office. President Kennedy was sworn in under a V.O.C. Moon in 1961 and was assassinated before finishing his first term of office. President Nixon was inaugurated for his second term in 1973 under a V.O.C. Moon and was forced to resign in disgrace from office that same year.

 In President Clinton’s second term, he was inaugurated in 1997 under a V.O.C. and became only the second President in U.S. history to face articles of impeachment. For President Obama’s sake and for the sake of the nation, he will have to break through the V.O.C. pattern by working behind the scenes to mould a new meaning for the changing course that lies ahead…
Can the new president help root out the corruption in the ranks and stay safely in office.

Interestingly the swearing-in ceremony for the new president was a few minutes late and started a few minutes after midday. I wonder if this was a deliberate delay orchestrated by cosmic forces or others in order to avoid the full effects of the V.O.C. moon. The delay was an unusual event at such a ceremony and was commented on by the BBC television presenter.

 Perhaps more significantly, most unusually, the able speaker Obama stumbled and over one word of his ‘swearing in’. So much so that it was necessary to repeat the swearing in two days later. Was the mistake and thus the necessity of repeating the swearing-in a deliberate pressure on Obama in order to avoid the V.O.C. moon?  If so then the negativities associated with it would also be avoided perhaps orchestrated by the spiritual forces.

I am aware that Barak Obama has a great deal of support from cosmic realms as well as in this third dimensional realm. I went into a meditation to see if there was anything that I could usefully help with. Immediately I sensed a flow of energy from cosmic sources towards the key inauguration issue.

 So, I take this as a sign that all those that are mindful can help by meditation, visualisation and ceremony. In a subsequent meditation I sensed that Barak Obama is and will be protected by the goddess. The female energy as well as other protection will manifest through his wife Michelle. There is great power in the combined energy of them both.

 During the same meditation Mary saw a strange vision of Barak Obama surrounded by chattering monkeys. In order to escape he ran away into the arms of a group of angels. The angels protected and guarded the President-elect. The chattering monkeys collapsed in a heap. Is this another sign of the triumph of the future president’s positive influences over the negative?

This was Suzanne Taylor’s response to the above article,
When the so called 911 event went down in New York, the moon was void of course in Mars, the planet of war.
Yes, I agree Barak Obama does indeed have some challenges; however, I recently viewed a video on the internet that his soul has many times succeeded in "battle" and he has  great strength not just on his past life experiences.

I am very optimistic about seeing him triumph, along with countless others.  Just with him being elected, it lifted humanity's consciousness to such a high degree and for him to have a native American Indian singing the national anthem, well, that truly made my heart soar.

Mary had this vision during a meditation. She was in the crystal cave that she, Joan and I visit when working with the Earth and the beings inside the Earth. Obama was showing Mary the Illuminati, the bad guys, working at their nefarious activities inside the Earth. The White Brotherhood, the good guys, were nearby. They were aware of the work being done by the negative forces mentioned but did not attempt to stop it.

 What they were doing was creating energy which would offset or balance out the energy created by the Illuminati thus rendering it harmless. Now Obama was not taking part in this battle between the light and the dark. He was a witness to the events and inviting Mary to share in his witnessing.

In this case Obama was a human ‘showing the way’, so to speak to another human Mary. It could be that this vision is a metaphor for one aspect of his work. By that I mean in his outer work on the material plane he is ‘showing the way’ to the US and other peoples of the world; quite what I mean by that I really don’t know. Maybe this statement and its ramifications will become clearer over time.

Let us look at an alternative view. This is what Chris Thomas says of the US President.

A little while ago you and Margaret were asking for comments on what people thought of Obama. I think the piece below shows he has Stalin aspirations!
I also finally managed to find out about his health reform measures which, it could be argued, he was elected on.

Traditionally, companies have paid for their employees to have health care through a company policy to cover medical bills. Given the appalling record of the medical profession in the US, the larger companies have been complaining about the rising costs of health care insurance. What Obama's bill does is to force each individual to pay for their own health care policy which allows companies to increase profits.

 The cost of the policies to ordinary people can be up to 9.8% of their gross income which effectively means that a huge proportion of the working population cannot afford these policies as they are working for the minimum wage.
So Obama's a company man and not very nice.

There are those that say, Well Obama has so much opposition, so many forces ranged against him.

The following is an extract from a Youtube piece ‘The Obama Deception’.
Obama says one thing and does another. He works for the same Global elite that Bush did.
‘Wall Street has killed
Main Street
’. Nobody counts except the Wall Street money masters. The only people that have a say in Obama’s councils are Wall Street oligarchs. That’s all there is.

The last time you had a President it was Kennedy. The Presidency is a puppet post. Corporates are now political hit men. The president serves the military industrial complex.

The above may very well be true. However how can we judge what the truth is in this case? At this point I just do not know what the truth is. Is the guy one of the good ones or not? In the parlance of the Cowboy films of the fifties that I loved so much, does he wear the white hat of the hero or the black hat of the villain?

Could he be in the pay of the forces we assume are fighting him? Is he a creature of the financial Oligarchs or is he disempowered by them?

On another mundane level Mary claims that Obama hates the British. The reason is that, it is said, that his Grandfather was horribly treated by the British Imperial power in Kenya where the elder Obama lived. He was imprisoned, beaten and tortured. I assume that this was during the war that the British waged against the ‘freedom fighters’ during their fight for an independent country.

If this is true then I , for one, am comfortable with that. My reasoning is that past British Prime Ministers had become much too associated with American foreign policy and the abuses that were thus engendered. Anything that creates more of a separation between the two countries would be to the advantage of the British people in my view.

I wrote this elsewhere in this book.
I was pondering, one day, on the apparent paradox of our spiritual heroes displaying less than the highest ideals sometimes. My intuition told me that there was, in fact, no paradox. The confusion is caused by the proximity of two lines of time. In the one we have our saints of the light performing in the way that we expect of them. In the other the Doppelganger’s of these heroes and others predominate. So that those that are exhibiting the highest ideals in this line of time are free to express the negative side of their personalities.

I am of the view that political systems and their associated personalities are a projection from the mass consciousness of the society within which they function. So such systems and the representatives that function inside them will inevitably display the attributes, both positive and negative, that are common in the society.

 The individual representatives are subject to forces that they cannot see, may or may not be aware of and which exert a pressure constantly. Coping with the energies of such forces can be a great burden. So many Presidents and Prime Ministers age a great deal when they are in office. One reason is the effect of the force of the energies constantly buffeting them. Of course many of them overwork and, necessarily, have to deal with exhausting and complicated issues.

President Obama may be nothing other than an intelligent man doing his best. He may be a great leader inspired by beneficient cosmic forces. He may be a man in the pay of Wall Street and darker forces. Which of these he is over the next few years we will find out. One thing is for sure. The material above indicates that there are many events going on around the idea of President as a concept as well as around the man.

What do you think?

Friday, 25 February 2011


A president of all the Peoples?

The first piece is a positive perspective of the US president written by me, a foreigner. The second piece, to come later, attempts to create an alternative perspective and asks questions about the man and his reason for being among us.

Americans could ask, Why should you, a foreigner have a view on our President? I would answer that by saying that any President of the US has a profound effect on the whole world.

Peace and love.

I wrote the following on my last trip to the US in 2009 before Obama was elected president. The hype and expectation of an Obama presidency was almost as though a saviour was coming to save the peoples of the US and of the world.

 Could such an expectation ever be fulfilled? Who knows? Could the following intuitive insights have been influenced by the longing for a change from the crude aggression of the George Bush years? Was I being fooled by a crafty non-physical energy? I leave the reader to judge.

As the Boston to Washington flight that I was on approached the nation’s capital. I picked up the energy of Abe Lincoln. His memorial is one of the sites I wish to visit. I sensed that he was in favour of an Obama presidency. Obama offers the potentiality for change Abe said.

His presidency could energise the American people. The American people would then energise him. A virtuous circle of political creativity could then be generated. The sum would become greater than the parts. This reminded me of another example of synergy that of the pop group The Beatles.

 Abe doesn’t know who will win. (This was in October 2009 before the Presidential election.) He is not in a position, in the spiritual world, to affect the outcome. It is up to the American people. Abe has a great affection for this country stemming from his life here. Of course, he is now in spirit and greater a being than in that life.

If ordinary Americans tune into his energy and are of good spirit and intentions then good things will be created. Indeed, like me, foreigners who are impressed with Abe’s life can also tune in to his energetic assistance. Abe will help Obama if he wins the election.

(Upon my return to England from the US we now know that Obama has been elected. I wish him well. It will be a great battle that he will fight on the side of the light. Undoubtedly the dark forces will bide their time and strike against him if they get the opportunity.)

A good place to tune into Abe is at his memorial in Washington DC. The present and past military, economic and social upheavals have created the opportunity for an Obama presidency. There was no way it could have happened if the US had been able to go on in the old ways of world domination and assumed superiority.

 Twentieth century US is dead. The future for the US is to either embrace the new or to suffer the decline and inertia with the old. Obama could be the greatest president, if elected, since Abe. Kennedy, for all his faults, pointed the way.

Abe’s energy is harmonious with that of Akhnaton the Egyptian pharaoh who attempted to change the mass consciousness of humanity by introducing the first monotheistic religion in history. The latter apparently failed as far as the outside world was concerned but succeeded esoterically because his advanced ideas were placed in the mass consciousness for future reference.

 Abe also apparently failed as far as outside circumstances were concerned to raise the awareness of the peoples of the United States. However he, also, planted the seeds in mass consciousness. These seeds could be fed and watered by Obama.

 Friend Suzanne (an american citizen) tells me the some people in the US see Obama as the physical incarnation of Abe. If this is the case perhaps it is the higher self of Abe/Obama this is speaking to me. In this case of course the being speaking to me would be in favour of an Obama presidency.

During my communion with Abe an imagined future voiced by President Obama resonated in my awareness. The financial system totally market driven is finished, he said. Without this market oriented financial system we could not survive. However, in recent months, it has shown great weaknesses. Therefore we have a historic opportunity to build a new system based on fairness to all. This revised system will include elements of government legislation and control to create a more balanced and stable structure.

 (I write these few sentences after my arrival home and after Obama’s successful presidential election. I find it fascinating that Obama, two days after the election visits Abe’s monument. My feeling is that Obama is aware of his strong link with the Civil war President.)

Subsequently I communicate with a friend concerning one of Obama’s impacts on this reality. This is what my intuition guided me to say.

I always thought that the expectation concerning Obama was way over the top. It was never possible to expect him to bring in the new millenium. I never thought that this was his role. Those with their levers on the controls are not necessarily working with him. Dark forces stalk the corridors of power. Obama's role is transitional in my view.

 My view is that the financial system is beyond 'fixing'. It doesn’t matter what material measures those in power adopt. The whole thing has gone for ever. The energies around this planet now are moving towards a different form of consciousness.

 The entirely linear, intellectual social structures don’t work any more. The financial crisis is a symptom of that change of consciousness. During my time in business I realised that the business model that we adhered to worked less and less. By the time that I left management it was clear that more and more material resources were being poured into a system that produced less and less.

 In other words the system was already in meltdown. It cannot be fixed in my view. For those with sufficient awareness the only path is towards a new consciousness from which can arise a new social paradigm. How that will pan out only the angels know.

OK back to Obama. His role in my view is to present the western world, the US particularly, with an opportunity towards a more humane form of social consciousness. This is the best opportunity there is for survival over the coming storm. Working from one's inner resources including one's personal spirituality is the way forward I believe.

All other organisations based on the past are in crisis. Religions are repeating the old mantras, they no longer work. It is time to trust one's inner promptings and work with other like minded people. This is the away forward for me. The certainties of the past will have to be put behind us. The old ideas of wealth are finished.

 I had a vision of Abe inspiring and guiding Obama. Obama is the best bet that the US has for leadership. He is never going to fix the moribund financial system. I am sure that internally he knows that.

As I said at the start of this chapter I and others may be being fooled by the hype surrounding Obama. In addition it is a well known phenomena in the world of those who dip their toes into other spiritual realms can be subject to information that is not ‘Kosher’

By that I mean a being may impulse us with information that we believe is from a source of light but, in fact it is a lower energy that is attempting to fool us. Another reason for such a phenomena is that, given the scenario just outlined, low vibration entities can utilise the energies that we send in good faith for nefarious purposes.

 We are not perfect beings. Sometimes we make mistakes in good faith. This is not a reason to withdraw from spiritual and psychic work. We must trust ourselves and our intuition.

Upon my return From US I wrote this.
One night I tuned into my guidance to resolve two ideas. The one believed by Suzanne and Sheena that Obama was a reincarnation of Abe and the second was the incident when Abe spoke to me on an airplane between Boston and Washington DC concerning the election of Obama. In the latter case the appearance to me in third dimensional consciousness was that they were two separate elements of awareness.  How could both be true?

The reply came back that the Abe consciousness and the Obama consciousness are part of the same oversoul. The awareness of both soul fragments is held in the consciousness of the oversoul. In this way the oversoul builds its development over many incarnations of different personalities.

 Thus the ideas of both personalities are held separately and the synergistic combination of both also. In other words both elements combine with the total oversoul to make yet another fantastic pattern of conscious awareness and development.

And another series of insights
One other interesting piece of information that I was given in the meditation related to the Children of Light who have been in the past and are being born all over the world. Within Obama’s speeches and actions will be hidden codes that will be recognized by these advanced beings. So much so that they will be guided in thought and deed by these codes.

These codes will be given to Obama and his speechwriters such that they may not recognize the wisdom that is being passed on to this new generation of humans. The Children of light together with aware and advanced adults form a matrix of high energy. This matrix will play its part in the development of humanity and its transition to a higher energy form.

 Humans will be attracted to this matrix. It will help to pull more people into the higher energy form. This matrix is a feedback system thus all individuals will benefit from the energy form Obama included. So, it will be interesting and illuminating when we listen to his speeches and his political decisions and tune into the deeper meanings being developed and communicated.

In a meditation Hazel saw an Elephant in the Oval Office which represented the support of the female energy that will be given to the new President. This support ties in with my previous insight of Michelle Obama being a conduit of support from the divine feminine. Hazel also saw a ring of fire around the desk in the Oval office.

 She believed, and was supported by friend Sean in this, that there was further support for Obama from his African family in Kenya and their discarnate forebears using the magic of that continent. Ian’s perception of the energetic support was of yellow diamonds shaped as though from playing cards. Sean saw a group of monkeys cavorting during the meditation and perceived that they were representatives of Hanuman, the monkey god of India. That same day I read the following on

A group of Indians are planning to present a statue of the revered Indian monkey God, Hanuman, to Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama. The group decided to order the idol after they read a magazine report saying that Mr Obama carried a good luck 'monkey king' charm.

 They say that a Barack Obama victory would be good for India. Hindus revere monkeys which they believe are descendents of the monkey God Hanuman. The two-foot tall, 15kg gold-polished, brass idol has been made as a present for Mr Obama because "he will be good for India if he becomes the next president," according to Brij Mohan Bhama, leader of the group.

This must have been before Obama was elected President but what an amazing synchronicity with our meditation.

Tuesday, 22 February 2011


Sometimes it is necessary to do very little in order to change a negative situation. Back to Pete’s household at the time when Harry was awakened to find a ghostly male figure with disfigured face standing in his doorway. Some days later, wife Jacqui awoke to find a heavy ghostly energy lying on top of her. That same night, soon after getting into bed, Pete felt as though ghostly spiders were climbing along his arm towards his face.

 This was very frightening for an arachnophobe, which Pete is. Harry awoke in the morning to find his darts placed in the bedroom dartboard. This was very puzzling and frightening for a young teenager as he was always careful to put his darts away in their box each night.

The next day, Pete rang Clive recounting the tale. The latter immediately offered help. As Clive put the phone down he immediately felt nervous about his precipitate offer. He rang friend, Hazel, for support and input. As Clive prepared for his own bed that night, he tuned into Pete’s family house, asking the cosmic forces to fill the house with light, raise the vibrations, giving the family a restful night.

 The next day, Clive rang Haines to be told that there had been a quiet and restful night in the house. Soon after, Clive spoke to Hazel who confirmed that she had tuned into her guidance who had told her that there was nothing to be done by her or by Clive. Events in Pete’s household bore that guidance out. For, from that time on, there was no further occurrence of unpleasant ghostly happenings in Pete’s household.

 So was Clive’s short visualisation sufficient to help the cosmic forces clear the above negativity, or is there some other explanation? Certainly Clive’s normal reaction to such a request would be to go to the house, play his Tibetan bowl and perform reiki or other healing modalities. This time, of course, it was not required to do any of those.

In another story, a girl could not believe the reasons given for her mother’s disappearance. Her father’s claim concerning the mother’s supposed running away with an Italian lover, simply didn’t ring true for the daughter. There was some intuitive impulse niggling away in her psyche that there was something really wrong with the story. The girl had heard her mum and dad arguing. The very next day, her mum was not there.

 She did as much as she could to persuade adults to listen to her doubts. She confided in her class teacher who took no action. This failure stimulated the girl to create the story that she was being bullied. She wanted to get the headmistress’s attention. The headmistress informed social services. Later that month, the mother’s body was discovered, hidden in the family home.

The girl’s suspicions had been heightened after a dream in which she opened a cupboard door, and her mum’s body fell out. The girl, gathering her courage, entered the cupboard expecting to find her mother’s body there. In fact, the body had been hidden in a casket in the garden. The father confessed to killing his wife, was arrested and charged. Was the daughter influenced by her mother from another realm? Did the girl, through her own intuition sense that the crime had been committed? Is there some other explanation?

Clive was woken one night by a woman bending over him. He assumed that it was his wife, Jaqueline. Suddenly there was a movement from his left where Jaqueline slept. The woman bending over him, disappeared. Jaqueline was choking from a condition where, from time to time, her breathing tube is blocked. On this occasion she did not need assistance other than reassurance from her husband. It seemed to Clive, when reviewing the event later, that the woman from the psychic world was a Good Samaritan making sure that assistance was available in this potentially serious condition.

Bryan happened on this amazing incident during one of his regular trips to the US. He was resting in a bedroom whilst on a course, when this very strange and fascinating event happened to him. Without warning, a strong, muscular arm moved across his chest. It was so real that he could see the veins on the arm. It certainly wasn’t his arm. The arm wasn’t attached to anything, though. Without warning, the powerful arm lifted him off the bed, two to three feet (60 to 91 cms) into the air.

 Let us be clear about this. Bryan had not been meditating or sleeping. He was in normal objective consciousness when this happened. After some seconds, maybe a minute, he was gently lowered back onto the bed and the arm disappeared. This was an entirely physical event, with Bryan in full knowledge of what was happening. Bryan pondered on the meaning of this throughout the rest of the day. He felt strongly that this arm belonged to the Master Jesus. Beyond this he couldn’t fathom the meaning. Bryan shared this with a fellow course member.

 A little later, after Bryan had returned to his room, this fellow put his head around Bryan’s door.
‘I know what this means. You were taken down from the cross,’ said the other.
Ah… thought Bryan. This is of profound significance. I have come to the end of a phase of suffering in this three dimensional existence.
This is not a ghost story per se, but it is a fascinating psychic event. It demonstrates the type of phenomena that can be experienced by the practicing mystic.

On the subject of being sensitive to ghosts, Clive believes that it is important to set aside any fear concerning the phenomenon. For those interested in developing such links, sensitivity and confidence, as well as belief, are paramount. Clive remembers the time as a young boy, trembling in bed in an old farmhouse while on holiday. He had just been told a ghost story. The farmer’s wife had recounted a tale of an old man who would regularly walk around the farm for his daily constitutional.

The day that his funeral took place in the church opposite to the farm, the farmer’s wife heard the tap, tap, tap of his stick. She turned to see the dead man’s ghost walk through one wall of the farm kitchen and out through the opposite wall. He was taking his final walk before his body was interred in the ground.

So why aren’t most people sensitive to this phenomenon? One answer is that our social conditioning denies the existence of ghosts, so we don’t see what we don’t believe. To explore this further here are two stories from The Gentle Art of Blessing. Harvard University conducted an experiment in which two groups of kittens were raised from birth to near maturity in two rooms.

The walls of one room were painted in black and white vertical stripes. The other room was painted with horizontal stripes. When set free, the cats brought up in the room with horizontal stripes knocked into everything vertical; chairs, table legs, trees. They were incapable of discerning anything upright.

Humans are similar to the cats in this regard. We have been conditioned to filter all reality through our senses. In 1520, Ferdinand Magellan arrived at the Terra del Fuego at the tip of South America. The ship’s company was surprised that the Del Fuego Indians did not see the boat entering the bay. Nothing in their experience had prepared them for the idea of vessels that were like huge floating houses. Canoes represented their seaborne reality. They were liberated from this blinkered view when taken onto the ships.

And now Clive and Pete found themselves in disagreement.
‘No, Clive, I don’t want to include my stories. This book is about you,’ said Pete.
‘I disagree. Yours will help to broaden the debate,’ replied Clive, gently.
Pete gave in, so here are just two of his experiences. Let’s hope Clive was right and they do broaden the debate.

Not so long ago, Pete and his business partner were overseas. With a couple of hours to spare between meetings, they visited the museum. They walked from gallery to gallery, enjoying every moment. As they wandered in their unstructured manner, they became separated. Totally unexpectedly, and without warning, Pete stopped.

 He felt an odd sensation, slight disorientation, slightly off-balance. Stepping one pace in any direction and the sensation disappeared. Stepping back to the spot, the sense returned. Odd. There was an overwhelming aroma of herbs. Haines decided to experiment in a way he had never done before. He called for his friend, who is not sensitive to spirits. He guided the partner to the spot of disorientation.

‘I’m rocking. What’s this all about?’ said the partner.
‘Not sure. Can you smell anything?’
The partner sniffed the air.  His blank expression turned to mild excitement. ‘Yeah, I can smell herbs.’
‘Me, too.’
‘What’s going on?’ The partner seemed excited.
Should I, or should I not? ‘Well, mate, I think we’re in the presence of a ghost.
‘No!’ He was incredulous.
‘Well, yes, uh… take a look over there.’ Pete pointed to the corner of the gallery.
‘Nope. Can’t see a thing.’

Pete could see a woman very clearly defined. Although she appeared slightly transparent, he could see her features and clothing. Her hair, features and eyes were dark. Her dress was long, reaching to the floor of the gallery, and green. But, for Pete, what struck him most was her smile. She was looking straight at Pete and smiling warmly. He felt drawn to take a chance. He walked across the gallery and put his arms around the ghost’s waist. This was a first. The ghost didn’t seem to mind one little bit.

‘Come over here,’ said Pete. The partner didn’t need to be asked a second time. ‘Put your hand in there.’ Pete nodded to a point inside the circle he’d made with his arms.
‘****** me!’ The partner was wide-eyed. ‘It’s freezing. I can see my breath.’

The ghost didn’t seem to mind this intrusion. She continued to smile. Interestingly, and maybe even significantly, she didn’t look at the partner throughout this event. She kept her eyes on Pete. Also strangely, even as they left the gallery, he could still see her standing in the same spot, still smiling. She seemed to be in no hurry to leave.
As they discussed the encounter over lunch, both men felt they had been fortunate enough to enjoy a very positive experience. Maybe the risk Pete had taken was worth it?

The next story had seemed insignificant to Pete at the time. Clive had a different view. Late on a summer’s afternoon, Pete was walking around his garden enjoying the heat of the Sun. He was thinking about his business, in fact, he was miles away. Happy and relaxed the last thing on his mind was a ghost. In the garden there is a large terracotta Vietnamese pot-bellied pig. Those with a need for detail will want to know that it is called Ho Chi Minh. Ho sits a foot (30 cms) away from the conservatory wall.

 As he passed by, Pete caught a glimpse of a spectral hedgehog between the pig and wall. He did a classic double-take. Still he saw the hedgehog, but not clearly. The creature was transparent and white-grey in colour. Pete was just 4 or 5 feet (122 or 152 cms) away. Pete attached little significance to the experience until he told Clive.

Clive was fascinated. But, why? Pete couldn’t see any reason for this being anything out of the ordinary. What so interested Clive was that the ghost had been a wild animal rather than a domestic creature. It seems that this is significant to Clive. He had never heard reports of a ghost of a wild animal before.

One final comment on the subject of ghosts from an eminent academic. Archie Roy is Emeritus Professor of Astronomy and Honorary Senior Research Fellow in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at Glasgow University. On a British television programme, some years ago, he made an interesting observation. He suggested that, sooner or later, the scientific community would have to at least acknowledge the possibility that the mind can exist independently of the body.

  This is from The Coincidence File by Ken Anderson.

In Coincidences, chance or fate? I told strange tales of ghostly presences that appeared to bring comfort and hope to men whose lives were in peril. The first concerned three British officers trekking across Turkey after escaping from a prisoner-of-war camp in World War 1. All swore they were joined by a mysterious stranger whose very presence encouraged them to push on against the odds. In the second incident Antarctic explorer Sir Ernest Shackleton and two companions crossed South Georgia Island in a desperate attempt to find help for their marooned party. All felt they had been joined by a fourth person whose presence was reassuring.

Clive asked the question whether these figures could have been projections of their own desires or were they genuinely joined by a discarnate being guiding and comforting them? 

I hope that you enjoyed these stories. As has been said before, not only is life stranger than you think, it is stranger than you can possibly imagine.