Sunday 12 July 2015


Humanity and other consciousnesses in this universe are embroiled in a race to achieve higher levels of awareness.

We have been aware of this amazing sequence of events for some time.

Why is this?

1. This planet and others have entered a region of the universe where the surrounding vibrations are rarified and of a higher level than previous locations.

2. Mother Earth, Gaia, has made the decision to utilise these energies to move to a higher level of consciousness now. This was always planned. It was a question of when.

3. Humanity, because of the first two points, at the level of the mass consciousness which filters down to individuals has made a similar decision. In the mass and individually humanity knows that if consciousness is not raised then there is no alternative to leaving the planet, sooner or later.

4. Throughout the existence of humanity negative forces have attempted to control and use humanity for their own purposes. These forces are aware of the changes taking place in this universe and are, thusly, either leaving the planet or adjusting to the light. Therefore many of the chains holding humanity in the lower third dimensional consciousness are being removed giving humanity new options in self belief and opportunity.

5. The positive beings that have helped humanity throughout the millenia are taking the energetic opportunity to move on. Other beings attuned to new energies are taking their place aiding in the development of new humanity.

6. The karmic responsibility placed on humanity for the other kingdoms on planet Earth was removed some time ago. Historically much of the responsibility resulted in control and abuse of the other kingdoms. These kingdoms are waking up also. Animal consciousness is asserting itself. Thus humans have big challenges facing it in creating a society that doesn't plunder in the old way but takes what it needs more sensitively. In addition giving back to the other kingdoms becomes a karmic necessity.

7. We are aware of the arrival of so-called Indigo and Crystal children into incarnation. They have been attracted to the incoming vibrations and will take up the task of building a new society. Most of them have not been in Earthly physical incarnation before and are free of the emotional and karmic baggage that many of us have struggled to throw off.

All the negativity that we see around us is a response to the changes in consciousness. The last struggle of a dying way of being is distressing but inevitable. Our role is not to become embroiled in the chaos but to work with compassion, humility and positivity.

There is no need for an avatar to 'save' us, no need for Aliens to land and take us away. This is our planet. We must save it by changing our awareness. Of course we are able to ask for assistance from higher forces and they will respond. As said once before, we are the ones we have been waiting for.


Saturday 13 June 2015


This is my first blog post for nearly two years.

Most of my 'downloads' from the spirit realm occur in the early hours of the morning when I am asleep or nearly so.This is a time when many humans are sensitiveto the subtle vibrations of the higher realms.

This particular 'download' was no exception. When I awoke, in the early hours last night, I was reminded immediately of the ancient and sacred temple at Kos in addition to one of its strange manifestations. This effect was one which was felt by me when I left the island and returned to England. I realised, upon my return, that Kos was slightly out of time phase with England time. It took some days for me to harmonise my being back into England time. Thus the temple and it's island home made me realise the plastic nature and variability of time.

I also realised that this temple was a place of power and importance to the Earth.

Returning to my 'download' time in the early hours after the Kos rememberance, I saw, in my minds eye, the mass migration of humans from the African continent to Europe. Guess where many of them are landing - Kos!

So what does this mass landing mean in the greater scheme of things. The next part of the 'download' informed me that this was no accident, that the human race is one of the chakras or energy centres of the Earth.

In order to break the the old materialistic vision held by humanity and in order to help create the new this particular Earth chakra needed to shift to a new energy pattern.Thus the mass movement of people is no accident, no bad thing in the greater scheme of things and is an inevitability of change.

Those people suffering and dying have done so in the full knowledge that they came here for this mission. These deciasions were made at the level of the higher selves.Many advanced souls have taken this seacrificial path benefitting the Earth, humanity and other Earth kingdoms which are also Earth chakras.

This information led me to Chile my mission there and the preparatory work that I am doing with friend Sean. For Chile and it's mountains is the new location for the Earth's kundalini which has moved from Tibet. I believe that my work ther in September will be a small part in grounding the Kundalini which is not completely anchored.

Chile is fortunate that it is unlikely to be the subject of mass migration from its neighbours bounded by the Pacific Ocean on one side and mountains on the other restricting the movement of people into that ribbon shaped country.

Argentina, a much bigger and theoretically a much more powerful neighbour received a bloody nose in the mountain passes from the Chilean army when it attempted to invade.

I believe that Chile is in a pristine state now awaiting the complete grounding of the Kundalini energy and it's spiritual cultural and human ramifications.

We live in exciting times.

Thursday 10 October 2013


ENTERING AND LEAVING THIS PLANET A recent youtube piece by Bashar, channelled by Darryl Anka, concerning his civilisations knowledge of the reincarnation principal guided me to consider my view of Earthly life. I have written before concerning personal perspectives on humans ‘pre-entry’ to this planet. I believe that we, before birth and with the promptings of our higher self, plan our incarnation. That is we plan to learn a particular set of lessons for our spiritual and soul unfoldment. Once incarnated we forget the plan because we have entered a free will universe and are thus able to abide by the plan or not. Nevertheless those situations , people and circumstances that are necessary for our growth according to the pre-birth plan will be presented to us. We then accept or reject the aspects of the plan by thought word and deed.
Part of the plan according to Pleiadian channel Barbara Marciniak is the setting up in the planned incarnation of a number of potential exit points for us to leave and return to source. We then choose one of those exit points guided by the higher self. At the level of the objective consciousness, the little will, we may not be aware of the reason for leaving incarnation. Indeed we may not welcome our departure at this conscious level. I believe that this is one reason for the prevalence of Dementia in this culture. The higher in such an illness will decide it is time to leave wheras the objective consciousness tries to hang on to the last vestiges of life thus creating an entrapment between two worlds. Firstly the decision to leave will be taken, perhaps, because we have veered away from the plan. Secondly perhaps we have completed the planned development experience. There is a third option which I believe is my recent experience. We may finish the plan but we do not leave incarnation immediately. Our higher self may wish for us to continue for an extended time in incarnation in order to complete other tasks that we are fitted for. These tasks would be for our continued growth and support of others.
Another aspect of Bashar’s views on incarnation struck a chord with me. His civilisation says that each individual human occupies their own unique timeline or dimension. (I have written in my previous blog concerning timelines). I find this view empowering. For, thusly, this confirms my feeling that we are powerful beings responsible for all that happens to us in incarnation.
Many people, powers, oganisations, religions seek to control and disempower us. It is in our own hands to retain self-belief as we move from homo sapiens towards homo galactica. So, from pre-birth, through incarnation and towards post-birth we are in control of the whole scenario. We do not owe allegiance to those that set themselves up to be our controllers. We are in charge of ourselves. Be happy.

Saturday 4 May 2013


This recent quote impressed me. I cannot recall its source.
(Our reality is) a time space hologram within which are multiple timelines manufactured by higher intelligence.

This quote caused me to re-think and revue my experiences of alternative timelines and time phases.

I wrote the following after returning from a visit to the Greek island of Kos.

Spiritual duties complete and family members duly rested we returned to England. Upon our return several days later I was feeling ‘out of time’ and out of synchronicity with the energy of homeland. I put this down to the powerful energies of Kos and the Asklepion   I also sensed that this magical island of Kos was operating in a slightly different time frame to the one here in England. Those of a sensitive nature would be affected by it. Jaqueline and Coti both felt tired and ‘not in sync’ when they returned.

My puzzlement and continuing feeling of being in another time pushed me to ask for guidance concerning the reasons after five days with no change in my out of time sensations. This is what I received.

As the energy of the planet changes many physical locations will have their vibrations raised before others. This is particularly so in the region of energy portals and other high spiritual places. Kos is one of these places. I will give you more information concerning the effects of the’ tiling’(a particular form of spiritual walking) that you felt drawn to do at the Asklepion and other places for there are a number of effects. You already know that one purpose is to raise or re-activate the energies in certain locations. In addition ‘tiling’ has the effect of creating an energetic blocking process. In this way those high energy locations that have been hi-jacked for nefarious purposes by those of the dark persuasion are no longer available to them.

During a meditation some years ago I was presented with an alternative early lifetime that was different form the one that I had grown up in but was, nevertheless related to this incarnation.

In the meditation without pre-planning on my part I saw myself coming down the birth canal and into physical incarnation. I then saw myself growing up, as a young boy with a coloured school tie popular in my school days. I then perceived myself as a grown man working in a tropical environment. There the vision faded and I returned to normal awareness.

Having received such an unexpected visionary gift I meditated on the reason for it. I sensed that the timeline experience that I had been given fused with my current experience and was an alternative ‘growing up’ life. So, why was I given this alternative growing up?

My sense was that I was given the alternative as a means of leaving the normally lived growing up behind me with all the baggage that was generated by it. I was free to move on unencumbered by the past.

The following is from the Pleiadian channel Barbara Marciniak reproduced in the March 20 edition of the ‘Pleiadian Times’.

When we began our teachings with you in 1988, we stated that we came from the future and journeyed back in time to your era, to deal with a vast tyranny that blossomed out of the nanosecond years, a tyranny that reached us in the Pleiades, in a future from now. Within the basic framework of the multiverse segments of time can be viewed and experienced as simultaneous occurrances, however in physical reality time is perceived as linear, where one moment follows another, and the past seems as inaccessible and ambiguous as the future. This experience of linear time has generated many consequences, positive outcomes, as well as very detrimental liabilities. There are far more assets to be realised by gaining expanded vistas, and in a manner of speaking, we have jumped time to find the source of the problem and rectify it by helping to shape other more vital probabilities.

There is fascinating further examples of these phenomena in my previous blogs titled TIMESLIP PART 1 and TIMESLIP PART 2 uploaded in February 2011.

Wednesday 10 April 2013


The following piece is not my work. It was reproduced in ‘The Pleiadian Times’ March 20 2013 edition. The original came from a German site.

Esoteric and spiritual teachers have known for ages that our body is programmable by language, words and thought. This has now been scientifically proven and explained.

The human DNA is a biological Internet and superior in many aspects to the artificial one. The latest Russian scientific research directly or indirectly explains phenomena such as clairvoyance, intuition, spontaneous and remote acts of healing, self healing, affirmation techniques, unusual light/auras around people (namely spiritual masters), mind’s influence on weather patterns and much more.

In addition, there is evidence for a whole new type of medicine in which DNA can be influenced and reprogrammed by words and frequencies WITHOUT cutting out and replacing single genes. Only 10% of our DNA is being used for building proteins. It is this subset of DNA that is of interest in western researchers and is being examined and categorised. The other 90% are considered “junk DNA”.

The Russian researchers, however, convinced that nature was not dumb, joined linguists and geneticists in a venture to explore that 90% of “junk DNA” Their results, findings and conclusions are simply revolutionary!  

According to their findings, our DNA is not only responsible for the construction of our body but also serves as data storage and communication. The Russian linguists found that the genetic code – especially in the apparent “useless” 90% - follows the same rules as all our human languages.

To this end they compared the rules of syntax (the way in which words are put together to form phrases and sentences), semantics (the study of meaning in language forms) and the basic rules of grammar. They found that the alkalines of our DNA follow a regular grammar (language) and do have set rules just like our languages. Therefore human languages did not appear coincidentally but are a reflection of our inherent DNA.

The Russian biophysicist and molecular biologist Pjotr Garjajev and his colleagues also explored the vibrational behaviour of DNA. In brief the bottom line was “Living chromosomes function just like a holographic computer using endogenous DNA laser radiation. “This means that they managed, for example, to modulate certain frequency patterns (sound) onto a laser-like ray which influenced DNA frequency and thus the genetic information itself.

A modern day civilisation which develops group consciousness would have neither environmental problems nor scarcity of energy; for if it were to use such mental powers as a unified civilisation, it would have control of the energies of its home planet as a natural consequence.

When a great number of people become unified with higher intention as in meditating on peace – potential violence also dissolves.

All information is from the book “ Vernetze Intelligenz” von Grazyna Fosar und Franz Bludorf ISBN 3930243237. The book is unfortunately only available in German so far.

Friday 22 March 2013


In twenty-first century society in western countries the common acceptance of man/woman is that he/she is a physical, mental and psychological being. Many other societies in the east and within indigenous peoples live and participate in the fourth area of human abilities that is ignored by most in the west; that is the world of the psychic and spiritual.

Why is this vast area of human potential ignored when, in my view, all human posses the potential, if not the actual, to express psychic power? At the individual level it can be scary to enter a world that is unseen to the physical eye and which possesses unknown and, perhaps, dark powers.

Within our social structure those that speak of these powers and energies are often lampooned. It is, of course, in the interests of narrow social structures to live in the comfortable confines of the visible world. Those that would rule us can be comforted that in this way they retain the keys to our control. Religions and elites of all kinds can live lives of comfort and superiority when human society is locked in to a narrow paradigm.

How can we break free from this strait-jacket of limited perceptions? For me the simplest way is to listen to the whisperings of our intuition. Many groups within our society already do this. Police talk of their ‘gut feelings’ when investigating a crime quite often when intellectual explorations have been exhausted. Mothers often know instantly when a child is in trouble even though they may be separated physically from their child.

If we have denied our intuitive faculty for lengths of time then it will have quietened as the intellect takes complete control of our decision making and thought processes. It takes time, effort and belief to return to our natural state of receiving intuitive impulses. Having accessed the intuitive there will be occasions when such a message will be at odds with the intellectual process. On these occasions we have a choice to make between the two. For me the intuitive sense has never let me down when I have followed its suggested route. Of course it may take courage to stand against the mainstream of thought and follow a path that may not be popular with those around us.

There is also the issue of following the intuitive messages of those that we are in contact with. Seers, mystics, gurus cult leaders all have used the message of their inner voices to transmit to and, perhaps, control those around them. How do we separate the wheat from the chaff in this regard? Yet again we have the inspiration of our intuition to seek the truth of that which is transmitted by such individuals. As the man said ‘Ask and ye shall be given’. Simply by asking for intuitive advice we open a channel to that source.

Some of the above are power seekers, some misguided, some genuinely inspired by positive spiritual forces.

We live in a world that is greater than we think. At this point I would like to introduce the idea of timelines to this piece. I have written of such in previous blogs. We, as sentient human beings, are aware of the stream of objective reality within which we function. This reality allows us to live and develop in a way that does not overload the objective consciousness. There are, in my experience, many other streams of realities co-existing with this one. Within these realities beings function very much as we do living their lives perhaps in complete oblivion to other streams. Let us call these streams ‘timelines’. To be in conscious touch 24/7 with other timelines would cause overload and mental breakdown.

Often humans cross over to other timelines, have experiences and return to this their common or main timeline. They may be conscious or unconscious of this crossing and returning. Mostly in western society we are unconscious of this travelling back and forth. Objects also can move from one timeline to another and back again. I had an experience of such an event.

At one time I would use a crystal tied on a cotton thread as a pendulum for certain spiritual work. On one occasion I was carrying the pendulum from one room to another in my home when the pendulum dropped from my grasp. I dropped to my knees but could not find the object. I searched for some time but it had completely disappeared. Some months later the cotton re-appeared on the carpet in the area that it had been lost. The crystal never did return.

There are many possible explanations for the loss and partial re-appearance. However my guidance/intuition later told me that the crystal had moved into another dimension or timeline. At the right time the cotton re-appeared to encourage me to meditate and come to the above conclusion.

Be aware that we all have these abilities. These abilities create a doorway to our genuine development

Saturday 16 February 2013


There are some events, information elements in life that put previous events into context. They are the Aaaaahh moments.

For me the resignation of the present pope generated one of those moments.
The information/story that follows is an amalgam of information that other writers have presented. Most of the following came from the Youtube presentations by Benjamin Fulford, a financial journalist, now living in Japan and David Wilcock, author and alternative energies explorer. There may have been other commentators whose names I have forgotten. I have, in effect, put certain dots together in a line and present a personal conclusion.

I have no way of proving the following because I have no evidence. However, the following story resonates in my awareness.

Let us begin by going back to November of last year. You will recall that this was the month of the US election. The incumbent president, Barak Obama, was campaigning for re-election. Just before the re-election there was a terrible storm  (Hurricane Sandy) that devastated parts of the west coast of the US. There was much damage and some loss of life.

One of the aforesaid gentlemen claimed that this storm was part of a plot by a cabal of politicians, military and secret service personnel to have the election cancelled. The storm had been deliberately created through the HAARP weather modification system. A plot had been prepared, it was alleged, to overthrow the democratically elected president and replace him with a figurehead front-man of the dictatorial cabal: That man was Mr, formerly General, Petraeus the head of the CIA. It seems, or is claimed, that the plot failed, the election was held and Mr Obama was re-elected. The latter is certainly true.

It is alleged that certain money-men or should I say money-persons switched sides from Mr Obama to the cabal before the election. Allegedly these powerful money-persons were the Pope and the Queen of England. I am surprised that, if true, foreigners to the US should have such an influence over the funding of the election.

With the failure of the plot there was a fall-out of resignations and sackings particularly in the military. It is claimed that the Admiral in charge of the US Far East fleet was recalled to Washington and summarily dismissed. Mr Paetraeus and a top general were exposed publically as having affairs with women who were not there wives and forced to resign. Given the truth of this one wonders how long these affairs were known by potential supporters, in high places, of Mr Obama. Perhaps this information was kept on ice until needed to discredit Mr Petraeus and the general.

Some weeks ago it was announced that Hilary Clinton, Secretary of State, was leaving office. Before Christmas one of the above commentators wrote that she would be leaving. Was Mrs Clinton part of the fall-out of the failed plot or is there some other explanation?

OK, let us now return to the pontiff. There had been much criticism of him going back months if not years. Allegedly he was being investigated by Italian authorities accused of complicity in the protection and moving to other duties of priests accused of child abuse. Latterly he was forced to condemn this practice publically. At least this was more that his predecessor who had declined to make any comment on the matter. Certainly the present incumbent did not have the PR skills of his predecessor who was successful in projecting a saintly image. Whether this image was deserved or not I leave to the readers to decide.

It was alleged that forces within the Vatican were working against the present pope. If the majority of the above is true then he was ‘on a sticky wicket’, to use an English culture phrase given the failure of the cabal putsch; too many mistakes and PR failures for the Vatican hierarchy to stomach. This was the background to the resignation. No pope has resigned in six hundred years. At least two of these ancient pontiffs were forced out of office.

So do you believe the PR story put out in the media concerning the retirement/resignation? Is the above explanation true/partly true or is there some other explanation?

I leave it to the reader to draw their own conclusions from the above. For me it was interesting to put together.