Sunday, 12 July 2015


Humanity and other consciousnesses in this universe are embroiled in a race to achieve higher levels of awareness.

We have been aware of this amazing sequence of events for some time.

Why is this?

1. This planet and others have entered a region of the universe where the surrounding vibrations are rarified and of a higher level than previous locations.

2. Mother Earth, Gaia, has made the decision to utilise these energies to move to a higher level of consciousness now. This was always planned. It was a question of when.

3. Humanity, because of the first two points, at the level of the mass consciousness which filters down to individuals has made a similar decision. In the mass and individually humanity knows that if consciousness is not raised then there is no alternative to leaving the planet, sooner or later.

4. Throughout the existence of humanity negative forces have attempted to control and use humanity for their own purposes. These forces are aware of the changes taking place in this universe and are, thusly, either leaving the planet or adjusting to the light. Therefore many of the chains holding humanity in the lower third dimensional consciousness are being removed giving humanity new options in self belief and opportunity.

5. The positive beings that have helped humanity throughout the millenia are taking the energetic opportunity to move on. Other beings attuned to new energies are taking their place aiding in the development of new humanity.

6. The karmic responsibility placed on humanity for the other kingdoms on planet Earth was removed some time ago. Historically much of the responsibility resulted in control and abuse of the other kingdoms. These kingdoms are waking up also. Animal consciousness is asserting itself. Thus humans have big challenges facing it in creating a society that doesn't plunder in the old way but takes what it needs more sensitively. In addition giving back to the other kingdoms becomes a karmic necessity.

7. We are aware of the arrival of so-called Indigo and Crystal children into incarnation. They have been attracted to the incoming vibrations and will take up the task of building a new society. Most of them have not been in Earthly physical incarnation before and are free of the emotional and karmic baggage that many of us have struggled to throw off.

All the negativity that we see around us is a response to the changes in consciousness. The last struggle of a dying way of being is distressing but inevitable. Our role is not to become embroiled in the chaos but to work with compassion, humility and positivity.

There is no need for an avatar to 'save' us, no need for Aliens to land and take us away. This is our planet. We must save it by changing our awareness. Of course we are able to ask for assistance from higher forces and they will respond. As said once before, we are the ones we have been waiting for.


Saturday, 13 June 2015


This is my first blog post for nearly two years.

Most of my 'downloads' from the spirit realm occur in the early hours of the morning when I am asleep or nearly so.This is a time when many humans are sensitiveto the subtle vibrations of the higher realms.

This particular 'download' was no exception. When I awoke, in the early hours last night, I was reminded immediately of the ancient and sacred temple at Kos in addition to one of its strange manifestations. This effect was one which was felt by me when I left the island and returned to England. I realised, upon my return, that Kos was slightly out of time phase with England time. It took some days for me to harmonise my being back into England time. Thus the temple and it's island home made me realise the plastic nature and variability of time.

I also realised that this temple was a place of power and importance to the Earth.

Returning to my 'download' time in the early hours after the Kos rememberance, I saw, in my minds eye, the mass migration of humans from the African continent to Europe. Guess where many of them are landing - Kos!

So what does this mass landing mean in the greater scheme of things. The next part of the 'download' informed me that this was no accident, that the human race is one of the chakras or energy centres of the Earth.

In order to break the the old materialistic vision held by humanity and in order to help create the new this particular Earth chakra needed to shift to a new energy pattern.Thus the mass movement of people is no accident, no bad thing in the greater scheme of things and is an inevitability of change.

Those people suffering and dying have done so in the full knowledge that they came here for this mission. These deciasions were made at the level of the higher selves.Many advanced souls have taken this seacrificial path benefitting the Earth, humanity and other Earth kingdoms which are also Earth chakras.

This information led me to Chile my mission there and the preparatory work that I am doing with friend Sean. For Chile and it's mountains is the new location for the Earth's kundalini which has moved from Tibet. I believe that my work ther in September will be a small part in grounding the Kundalini which is not completely anchored.

Chile is fortunate that it is unlikely to be the subject of mass migration from its neighbours bounded by the Pacific Ocean on one side and mountains on the other restricting the movement of people into that ribbon shaped country.

Argentina, a much bigger and theoretically a much more powerful neighbour received a bloody nose in the mountain passes from the Chilean army when it attempted to invade.

I believe that Chile is in a pristine state now awaiting the complete grounding of the Kundalini energy and it's spiritual cultural and human ramifications.

We live in exciting times.