As mentioned in past energy alerts many months ago, Barack Obama will also serve as one who initiates a grid to hold things steady during the major transition. This is his designated role.
Looking to this beautiful soul to be other things only places him in a position to create confusion. He is here to hold the space, to create an energetic grid of stability during the fall (Autumn), and of course a few other icings on the cake. This is why he moved into position so quickly and against all odds, as he was following his soul plan and the evolutionary plan of the planet.
In the winter solstice 2008 edition of the Pleiadian Times, before the January 20th Presidential inauguration, astrologer George Ward wrote this concerning the inauguration date of President-elect Barak Obama.
Although he won the election in a virtual landslide of popular national support, the astrological influences at the time of his inauguration on January 20th appear to be very dicey.
Tradition has it that the U.S. president is sworn in at noon on January 20th. The astrological influences of that day and time in 2009 feature Mercury retrograde conjunct the Sun as well as a void-of-course Moon phase. These aspects foretell major challenges for President-elect Obama and the country if he is sworn in at noon on January 20th, 2009 in Washington D.C.
A void-of-course Moon (V.O.C.) phase occurs when the moon has finished making any more geometric relationships to other planets before it moves to a new sign. Energies appear to retreat behind the scenes during void-of-course Moon periods. The V.O.C. phase of the moon can cause a loss of energy or momentum to complete the job.
In 1945 President Roosevelt was inaugurated for his third term under a V.O.C. Moon and died in office. President Kennedy was sworn in under a V.O.C. Moon in 1961 and was assassinated before finishing his first term of office. President Nixon was inaugurated for his second term in 1973 under a V.O.C. Moon and was forced to resign in disgrace from office that same year.
In President Clinton’s second term, he was inaugurated in 1997 under a V.O.C. and became only the second President in U.S. history to face articles of impeachment. For President Obama’s sake and for the sake of the nation, he will have to break through the V.O.C. pattern by working behind the scenes to mould a new meaning for the changing course that lies ahead…
Can the new president help root out the corruption in the ranks and stay safely in office.
Interestingly the swearing-in ceremony for the new president was a few minutes late and started a few minutes after midday. I wonder if this was a deliberate delay orchestrated by cosmic forces or others in order to avoid the full effects of the V.O.C. moon. The delay was an unusual event at such a ceremony and was commented on by the BBC television presenter.
Perhaps more significantly, most unusually, the able speaker Obama stumbled and over one word of his ‘swearing in’. So much so that it was necessary to repeat the swearing in two days later. Was the mistake and thus the necessity of repeating the swearing-in a deliberate pressure on Obama in order to avoid the V.O.C. moon? If so then the negativities associated with it would also be avoided perhaps orchestrated by the spiritual forces.
I am aware that Barak Obama has a great deal of support from cosmic realms as well as in this third dimensional realm. I went into a meditation to see if there was anything that I could usefully help with. Immediately I sensed a flow of energy from cosmic sources towards the key inauguration issue.
So, I take this as a sign that all those that are mindful can help by meditation, visualisation and ceremony. In a subsequent meditation I sensed that Barak Obama is and will be protected by the goddess. The female energy as well as other protection will manifest through his wife Michelle. There is great power in the combined energy of them both.
During the same meditation Mary saw a strange vision of Barak Obama surrounded by chattering monkeys. In order to escape he ran away into the arms of a group of angels. The angels protected and guarded the President-elect. The chattering monkeys collapsed in a heap. Is this another sign of the triumph of the future president’s positive influences over the negative?
This was Suzanne Taylor’s response to the above article,
When the so called 911 event went down in New York , the moon was void of course in Mars, the planet of war.
Yes, I agree Barak Obama does indeed have some challenges; however, I recently viewed a video on the internet that his soul has many times succeeded in "battle" and he has great strength not just on his past life experiences.
I am very optimistic about seeing him triumph, along with countless others. Just with him being elected, it lifted humanity's consciousness to such a high degree and for him to have a native American Indian singing the national anthem, well, that truly made my heart soar.
Mary had this vision during a meditation. She was in the crystal cave that she, Joan and I visit when working with the Earth and the beings inside the Earth. Obama was showing Mary the Illuminati, the bad guys, working at their nefarious activities inside the Earth. The White Brotherhood, the good guys, were nearby. They were aware of the work being done by the negative forces mentioned but did not attempt to stop it.
What they were doing was creating energy which would offset or balance out the energy created by the Illuminati thus rendering it harmless. Now Obama was not taking part in this battle between the light and the dark. He was a witness to the events and inviting Mary to share in his witnessing.
In this case Obama was a human ‘showing the way’, so to speak to another human Mary. It could be that this vision is a metaphor for one aspect of his work. By that I mean in his outer work on the material plane he is ‘showing the way’ to the US and other peoples of the world; quite what I mean by that I really don’t know. Maybe this statement and its ramifications will become clearer over time.
Let us look at an alternative view. This is what Chris Thomas says of the US President.
A little while ago you and Margaret were asking for comments on what people thought of Obama. I think the piece below shows he has Stalin aspirations!
I also finally managed to find out about his health reform measures which, it could be argued, he was elected on.
Traditionally, companies have paid for their employees to have health care through a company policy to cover medical bills. Given the appalling record of the medical profession in the US , the larger companies have been complaining about the rising costs of health care insurance. What Obama's bill does is to force each individual to pay for their own health care policy which allows companies to increase profits.
The cost of the policies to ordinary people can be up to 9.8% of their gross income which effectively means that a huge proportion of the working population cannot afford these policies as they are working for the minimum wage.
So Obama's a company man and not very nice.
There are those that say, Well Obama has so much opposition, so many forces ranged against him.
The following is an extract from a Youtube piece ‘The Obama Deception’.
Obama says one thing and does another. He works for the same Global elite that Bush did.
‘Wall Street has killed Main Street ’. Nobody counts except the Wall Street money masters. The only people that have a say in Obama’s councils are Wall Street oligarchs. That’s all there is.
The last time you had a President it was Kennedy. The Presidency is a puppet post. Corporates are now political hit men. The president serves the military industrial complex.
The above may very well be true. However how can we judge what the truth is in this case? At this point I just do not know what the truth is. Is the guy one of the good ones or not? In the parlance of the Cowboy films of the fifties that I loved so much, does he wear the white hat of the hero or the black hat of the villain?
Could he be in the pay of the forces we assume are fighting him? Is he a creature of the financial Oligarchs or is he disempowered by them?
On another mundane level Mary claims that Obama hates the British. The reason is that, it is said, that his Grandfather was horribly treated by the British Imperial power in Kenya where the elder Obama lived. He was imprisoned, beaten and tortured. I assume that this was during the war that the British waged against the ‘freedom fighters’ during their fight for an independent country.
If this is true then I , for one, am comfortable with that. My reasoning is that past British Prime Ministers had become much too associated with American foreign policy and the abuses that were thus engendered. Anything that creates more of a separation between the two countries would be to the advantage of the British people in my view.
I wrote this elsewhere in this book.
I was pondering, one day, on the apparent paradox of our spiritual heroes displaying less than the highest ideals sometimes. My intuition told me that there was, in fact, no paradox. The confusion is caused by the proximity of two lines of time. In the one we have our saints of the light performing in the way that we expect of them. In the other the Doppelganger’s of these heroes and others predominate. So that those that are exhibiting the highest ideals in this line of time are free to express the negative side of their personalities.
I am of the view that political systems and their associated personalities are a projection from the mass consciousness of the society within which they function. So such systems and the representatives that function inside them will inevitably display the attributes, both positive and negative, that are common in the society.
The individual representatives are subject to forces that they cannot see, may or may not be aware of and which exert a pressure constantly. Coping with the energies of such forces can be a great burden. So many Presidents and Prime Ministers age a great deal when they are in office. One reason is the effect of the force of the energies constantly buffeting them. Of course many of them overwork and, necessarily, have to deal with exhausting and complicated issues.
President Obama may be nothing other than an intelligent man doing his best. He may be a great leader inspired by beneficient cosmic forces. He may be a man in the pay of Wall Street and darker forces. Which of these he is over the next few years we will find out. One thing is for sure. The material above indicates that there are many events going on around the idea of President as a concept as well as around the man.
What do you think?